How long does your hangover last?!

supersonic Posts: 82,708
edited May 2009 in The Crudcatcher
As above. Sometimes two days with me! Much worse than when I was younger, at 31 I feel like an old man!


  • When I was a student I could drink every night, have a coffee and a bacon sandwich in the morning and make it to lectures by 9. I once did 13 nights on the trot no problems. This Sunday I had rather a lot to drink and was still feeling it when I left work on Tuesday! I'm only 24 what's happened to me??!!
    "The problem was, I was still using my eyes even though I had them shut"

    Demoted to commuting duty

    Orange Crush!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Aha! 24 is when I first noticed the decline!
  • snotty badger
    snotty badger Posts: 1,593
    I use to think nothing at a bank holiday session- 3 days but now just the one night and I feel terrible. Only 29 but I feel about 90 when I'm hungover!

    I have had a 2 day hangover but thankfully they don't happen very often at all. Think I'd give up drinking all together if they did :lol:

    Sometimes I find having a few is worse than having a skinful :?

    As the saying goes " Ones too many- ten's not enough..."
    08 Pitch Pro
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    pretty much all of my hangovers last atleast 2 days but i either drink nothing, or everything and nothing in between.

    last drink was about a month ago and i drank over a litre of gin. was pretty much fine until i went outside and tried to ride my enduro home. i fell off atleast 12 times in a hundred metres and i thought i had had a sleep on the road on camp, however what actually happened was i passed out with half a bottle of gin in my map pocket.

    took me about an hour to do a journey which normally takes about 3 minutes.

    that hangover didnt kick in until about half four the following afternoon (friday) and lasted until monday.

    oh, and when i got in i tea bagged the telly so hard all of the sockets fell out of the back, wife thinks im hilarious, honest.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    ANy cures? Have had 4 pints of water and 1300mg of vitamin c. Feel half alive now lol.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    only cure i know of is to either stay drunk and never get the hangover or more sleep.

    apart form that, time is the only healer
  • I normally suffer for 2 days after proper session so I only have them about 3 times a year. 6-10 pints or so and I sometimes feel a bit rough and am sometimes fine its a hit or a miss. In my heyday of boozing I very rarely suffered if I had enough sleep. Now I have 2 kids I never get much sleep so it is a good deterrent to stop drinking early and go to bed when you know one or both rugrats will be up demanding breakfast at some ungodly hour in the morning. I did have one particularly bad/good festive period when I was about 20 where I was totally immortal for 10 days in a row. I suffered for about 2 weeks after that! never again will I buy a crate of vodka from the back of a lorry!
    My Kayaking Blog
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    edited May 2009
    Is this the bit where I get to act like a superior arsehole because of my evil teetotaller ways?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    whyamihere wrote:
    Is this the bit where I get to act like a superior arsehole because of my evil teetotaller ways?

    it is the best cure i would imagine. to be fair i have considered giving up drink but it makes me look so tough and impresses all of the blokes in my troop.
  • mongoosed
    mongoosed Posts: 315
    It takes me about two days to get over a big session(few of those nowadays),i don't go out to the pub often now because i hate hangovers.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Just had a cup of tea - gooooooood!
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    Doritos of fire have magical healing properties I swear! Well chilli heatwave....but doritos of fire sounds sooo much better :wink:
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    I suffer from terrible hangovers, some last three days.. for instance,

    I had an all-dayer on saturday (12:00pm to 9:00pm) about 10 pints of lager

    sunday I had about 7 pints

    Monday went out with my bro as was drinking from 11:30am, and went to bed at 5:30am the next day.... god knows how many pints and a few rums down the local/back at my bros

    Im still suffering, shakes and headache and all that, thankfully no work this week.

    To top it all off, Tuesday morning fell out of bed and cracked my head on the radiator next to my bed - got a bump the size of an apple on my forehead.....

    Im 35 going on 60 when I have a hangover!!!! :cry:
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    If I'd have had 10 pints on the Saturday, I wouldn't have got out of bed on Sunday!!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    10 pints? lightweights.
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    To be honest I push myself beyond my limits when it comes to drinking, not clever.

    I am never sick etc, just pass out and can't remember, every Sunday I wake up like Matt Damon from the Bourne Identity... lol

    Have to piece who I am back together... :lol::lol:
  • ol\'gregg
    ol\'gregg Posts: 612
    mine last about 2 days sometimes 3. i went to a wedding on saturday night. sank about 10 pints, far too many glasses of free wine, a bottle of red wine and a few cheeky whiskeys. i was still rough on the tuesday. i do find though that if i get up early the morning after and eat and go out i feel alot better than if i just stay in bed all day trying to sleep it off. thankfully the hours i work don't allow me to drink vast amounts very often so i guess work has it's uses
    gochel chan ddynion i mewn blew beisiau achos hwy cadernid bod eirth
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    10 pints? lightweights.

    Pfft. These civies know nothing of how to really drink.

    I challenge you to keep up with an armoured engineer unit...! :shock: :shock: :twisted:

    Crazy days... Anyway, I don't drink anymore. Havent had an alcoholic drink since 3 yrs this summer! But when I used to have hangovers... I'd be bad for 2-3 days.

    Used to drink crazy amounts tho. Crazy times.

    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Old Andy Fordham the darts player used to drink shed loads. on his wedding day he sunk 70 bottles of bud!

    He needs a liver transplant now.
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    Sometimes the best thing (if you are able to that is) is to have another drink, in my professional drinking opinion it's the only cure, as sheepsteeth said 'stay drunk'

    I have tried all manner of cures, but then the hangovers are THAT bad, another couple of pints sort you out, then have a munch and get your head down!

    Oh and a 'Brufen sandwich' for brekkie helps a little
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    supersonic wrote:
    Old Andy Fordham the darts player used to drink shed loads. on his wedding day he sunk 70 bottles of bud!

    He needs a liver transplant now.

    I drink with Andy Fordham sometimes, he's lost a lot of weight!!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    he was a beast of a drinker, i wouldnt have kept up even in my best days, that said, its only 40 pints and on a full day session.................

    nah, definately not :P
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Aye, he is making a big effort!

    Can you get a signed pic for me?!!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    on the subject of continuing with drinking, a bloody mary is a way forward, plus it counts as one your 5 a day!!.
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    Sure, Ill see what I can sort out ss.. don't see him that much but he pops in from time to time

    he's a friend of the guy who owns the drinking club where I frequent!.. and a local lad too - I have drunk with him on about 6/7 occasions, he wasn't actually drinking that much then/if any.......

  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    on the subject of continuing with drinking, a bloody mary is a way forward, plus it counts as one your 5 a day!!.

    I love a bloody Mary - with EXTRA Tabasco sauce!!!!!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Nice one!

    Tomato juice is good for hangovers, full of goodies.

    I must be quite dehydrated, had 4 pints of watter now and still havn't been for a slash.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    extra tabasco is a definate, as is a stick of celery, and 2 onions.
  • The Big Cheese
    The Big Cheese Posts: 8,650
    No problem sonic, when I go up there Ill see Terry to try and get you one, he's a bit of a local celeb is out Andy!

    Have you had Big Tom tomato juice? mixed with all the spices so add vodka and et voila..

    nice on it's own too!!!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Much appreciated!

    I just get the supermarket carton stuff lol.