watching TDF

garetjax Posts: 175
edited May 2009 in Tour & expedition
My wife wants a city break in Paris...I was against it until I thought of the Tour De France.

Just wondering if anyone has ever been to Paris to watch the final stage? From an initial quick look there are flights available and some hotel rooms ( though not sure how close to the race the hotels are) , but I am wondering what it is actually like to be there on the day...we will have a two year old.

Do you think it would be too stressful and crowded to get to see any of the event? If not Paris, are there any other places/cities from where it would be easy to see the Tour go by?


  • David-Witts
    David-Witts Posts: 80

    many years ago I was in Paris to see the TDF. Saw almost nothing as I arrived too late and the crowds were 10 deep. A child in a buggy, Woah!!! thats going to be tough. I'd recommend watching the final time trial somewhere, thats if the TDF09 has one. Hire a car, find the route and get there early, park up and lay claim to your viewing spot. regards Davy
  • infopete
    infopete Posts: 878
    We've just booked the Eurostar for 59 quid each to Paris from London.

    We've also booked an Ibis hotel ( for 59 Euros at the Gare du Nord.

    We hope to see something of the last stage but if not we'll spend longer over lunch :))
    Oh and please remember to click on my blog:

    The more clicks I get the higher it creeps up the google radar :)
  • peter_andrew
    peter_andrew Posts: 373
    I would suggest that you watch it somewhere where they do the "laps" as if you watch it as they come into Paris, if you blink you miss it.
    On the final run in i believe it is 10 deep on the Champs Elysees,
    Watched it in Grenoble last year and they pass so fast you can make nothing out, exciting though it is. So at least you will see them pass 10 (?) times.
  • wasp707
    wasp707 Posts: 116

    I've been to Paris twice for the final stage. You need to grab a position by about 12 o'clock to get on the barriers. however, I can't imagine taking a 2 year old along; mine would drive me mad!
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    We went to Paris for the weekend in 2005 to see the final day of the Tour when Lance won his 7th and what we thought was his final TdF.

    The weekend in Paris was great but to be honest watching the Tour on the last day on the Champs Elysees was a bit of an anti-climax. It was raining and to get a good view we went down to get a decent place at the barriers at 9am and waited around until around 4pm for the riders to arrive. It was a still a good experience, but it was difficult to know what was going on as regards who was leading the riders approached Paris - there was commentry for spectators on loud speakers but obviously it was in French and unfortunately we don't speak it. We had a good hotel just off the Champs Elysees and it didn't cost the earth - we booked the whole thing through

    I think the race day would be a bit stressful with a 2 year old, with the crowds and all the waiting around, especially if you wanted a good view. Good luck if you go.