Anyone ride at Still Woods lately????

Tim.s Posts: 515
edited May 2009 in Routes
If so how about taking your rubbish home with you? The place is starting to look like a council tip.

If we carry on like this its only a matter of time until it gets bulldozed.

"Didn't hurt"


  • junglist_matty
    junglist_matty Posts: 1,731
    I used to ride down there a few years back (2004-2006) when I was at uni, there was hardly any rubbish down there back then! ...I was told the Bristol uni bike club own the woods? If so, shouldn't they do something about it?
  • Tim.s
    Tim.s Posts: 515
    I believe they still do but dont have much to do with the upkeep.

    There was quite literally piles of rubbish this weekend, food wrappers, bottles, innertubes, etc flung all over the place. Its a shame.

    I reckon it will all be closed before long.
    "Didn't hurt"
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    yeah I went down there for the first time last weekend. it was kinda messy. do you know who owns the land? how about getting in touch and organising a clean up? I'll be glad to help clean up the place.
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Tim.s
    Tim.s Posts: 515
    I think the general belief is that its owned/managed by the Bristol Uni bike club but I dont think they have much to do with it.

    To be honest I think it needs more than a few blokes with bin bags to sort it out, you would need a skip or two at least so unless someone comes up with a couple of hundred quid its a non starter.
    "Didn't hurt"