Crystal Palace Hill Climb Challenge 2009

naked_ollie Posts: 123
Well you can never have too many challenges can you?

This is one that Dave_c and I have had going between ourselves for about a year now. It's only a short distance (just over 1km according to Google Maps) but if you want to go fast, it's gonna hurt.

For some reason I've never tried this with gears - probably because it's always done as a nice bit of extra training on the commute home - so I don't expect to be top for long!

The start is as you turn left off Thicket Road onto Crystal Palace Park Road, and the finish is as you hit the first roundabout at the top. Here it is on a map.

There are some roadworks on the start junction at the moment, so I recommend just getting on Crystal Palace Park Road and rolling slowly up to the start point which would be the end of the junction. Just imagine riding straight out of Thickett Road and turning left onto CP Park Road and that's the start.

I'm sure some of you know this one well already, so let's see what you can do!

naked_ollie.................76kg........2:53......May.......Fixie 44x16
Dave_c.......................64kg........3:02......May.......SS 46x16