First Sportive: What to expect

steerpike Posts: 424

Riding my first sportive tomorrow, in fact my first ever ride in a group. Just a little apprehensive about what I can expect. These are probably very beginner queries but here goes:

1. Will the route be marked? (I have garmin anyhow)
2. Is it wise to drop away from a group of riders (i.e. ride solo) given that I'm not au fait with the etiquette of group riding?
3. With point 2 in mind, is it acceptable to 'hang off the back' of a group a little to get the drag benefits but without cramping their style?

I guess I'm most nervous of riding at speed and either going into the back of someone or of touching the brakes and getting the guy behind up my backside!



  • ledburyloafer
    ledburyloafer Posts: 126
    steerpike wrote:

    Riding my first sportive tomorrow, in fact my first ever ride in a group. Just a little apprehensive about what I can expect. These are probably very beginner queries but here goes:

    1. Will the route be marked? (I have garmin anyhow)
    2. Is it wise to drop away from a group of riders (i.e. ride solo) given that I'm not au fait with the etiquette of group riding?
    3. With point 2 in mind, is it acceptable to 'hang off the back' of a group a little to get the drag benefits but without cramping their style?

    I guess I'm most nervous of riding at speed and either going into the back of someone or of touching the brakes and getting the guy behind up my backside!

    1 yes, it willbe marked.
    2 if you do that you'll not learn, best thing to do is set off at your own tempo, if you are with a group and feel comfortable stay with it, let those around you know that you are new to this, and I'm sure you'll find that they will help you to ride in the group, if you feel uncomfortable/nervous back off a bit, staedy yourself and wait for another group, you'll get there in the end, what everyou do communicate with those around what your intentions are with regards to what you want to do, i.e. stop/slow down unexpectedly!
    Sitting in is ok, again let thise around you know that you are new to this, and you'll get the encouragement of teh group, when raedy you can always join in to do a turn.
    Most of all enjoy your day
    i'll ride anything, but I prefer carbon.......... she screamed!!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow.
    The benefit of riding in a group is amazing - you can coast along at a fair old speed with so much less effort. That is something that you can use massively to your advantage on Etape (where the peletons are huge) and is definitely worth practising tomorrow.
    I've ridden about 8 sportives now and a couple of group rides so no great expert either. I just make sure that I look around me to check that it is safe for me to make a move before I signal and then eventually do it.
    It is such great fun - a real adventure. I'm sure that you're going to love it - enjoy yourself.
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    many thanks guys: sound advice. I think my biggest challenge will be in learning to hold off and listen to my body and HR so I don't burn out too soon. I'm sure it will be a great day whatever and yes, valuable experience for the Etape. Looking forward to the whole day. For me it's the next step in an odyssey that started with me simply picking up a bike about 8 mths ago for the first time since I was a kid and getting totally absorbed into road cycling. I'll be thrilled to just finish tomorrow.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Good luck my man!

    It's amazing how easy it is to get all wrapped up in this wonderful past time isn't it? Just the best thing ever!