Forest of Dean Classic



  • drfrot
    drfrot Posts: 25
    Did anyone else find the surface back to monmouth probably as scary as it gets, I was trying to get home downhill as fast as possible but scared witless by the tarmac :shock:

    LOL! Yes, for such a big road, it's a tad sketchy on some of the corners. Much easier when you live nearby and have been down it a few times at speed :wink: I too was trying to get down as quickly as possible, hampered instead by slow moving traffic, grrrr.

    Great day out, haven't done a sportive in a while and had forgotten how much fun they were.

    WTF was going on with the km-to-go signage?!!
    n + 1 = Correct number of bikes (where n = current number of bikes owned)

  • According to the results, the fastest rider came in at 3.38. By my calculation that was 23mph average including all the climbs :shock:

    Surely some mistake?


  • Hi guys

    The photos are now all online. Hope you enjoy them! Thanks for posting the link up steerpike!

    I will forward peoples thoughts on savoury food at the feeds onto the Wheels in Wheels team. I too get sick of sweet stuff when doing long rides... I start craving pizza's, panini's etc! (but i crave them anyway!)

    There were sandwiches at the finish but I appreciate there were que's for these and the last thing you want to do after a long ride is to que up! I'll also try and be faster with the photos so people can see them on the day.

    Well done all and I hope to see you all on future sportives!

  • Have the times been posted up somehwere yet??
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • Brewsterwmb
    Brewsterwmb Posts: 145
    Well I thought I had it right. Mix up mixture to be isotonic and tried to get the 200ml per hour down me per body weight / temperature.

    Maybe salt tablets would help? The wind was also up on Sunday and they can dehydrate you quicker than you think!

    I pulled over a mile or so before the yat climb for only a minute for a good 'yonk that leg up' move which helped, got me up the climb (with a car stopping in front of me) and around in 5:17 - pleased enough but wanted a 5:10 until the cramp got hold of me.

    Oh well, it what happened on the day! :?
    “Look where you want to go. Not where you are going”