bike on the caledonian sleeper

Im taking the bike on the london-inverness sleeper in a month or so. Anyone done this, and able to tell me what to expect? Do I need to pad the bike, best to stick it a box, or is it all sensble and safe just turning up and sticking it in the van?




  • VinceEager
    VinceEager Posts: 247
    bike - on a train? surely thats cheating...
    if you were really committed you would ride it. its only 456 miles.

    for a more helpful answer, see this: (from

    "Bicycles: You can take bikes on the Caledonian Sleeper trains free of charge, placed in the bike racks in the guard's van. A bike reservation must be made as the number of bike spaces is limited. To reserve your bike, call ScotRail on 08457 55 00 33, lines open 08:00-22:00 daily. Tandems aren't carried. There is a separate guard's van with 6 bike spaces (only 3 spaces London-Inverness) in both the London-Edinburgh & London-Glasgow portions of the Lowlands sleeper, and in the London-Inverness & London-Aberdeen portions of the Highland sleeper, but not on the London-Fort William portion. So if you're taking your bike to Fort William you'll need to transfer it at around 5am from the London-Inverness guard's van to the new guard's van attached in Edinburgh bound for Fort William."
    ...the bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created: Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon...
  • Its 557 miles, if it were a mere 456 then of course I would cycle :)

    Ive done the reservation, but I'd like to know what my precious is going to make of the "cycle rack in the guards van" - are they cervelo-certified? or would I be concerned if it was my langster?