Your Commuting Experiences in Birmingham City Centre?

fairweatherbiker Posts: 116
edited May 2009 in Commuting chat
I've been commuting around south Birmingham, Solihull & Mosely for a while - but soon I may have to go into the city centre on a regular basis - which seems about the most bike unfriendly place I've come across - with the 3-lane ringroad, massive traffic islands and congestion.

I'd like to hear anyones experiences of commuting in Birmingham City Centre - what to look out for - how do you get on - are there any quiet backroads, are the towpaths OK. and where would you cross the ringroad from the south? Five Ways, Bristol Road, Pershore Road, Stratford Road - or get off and use the pedestrian lights?
Non-Sexist, Non-Racist, Non-Violent Egalitarian Chess: 32 grey pawns all on the same side


  • nation
    nation Posts: 609
    I use Pershore Road. I commute from Kings Norton to the City centre.

    I basically follow Pershore Road all the way to the end, then go up Sherlock street, left onto Pershore street, straight on until Hill street, at the end of which I use the pedestrian precinct (which you are allowed to cycle on, the cycle cops use it all the time and it's shown on the council's "walking and cycling" map) to get to the other side of New street without having to join the ring road.
  • I used to go in to the centre every workday, but now I go the other way to Solihull.

    I went in via the Rea Valley Cycle Route, which is pretty good. Not sure if it's the best for you but it's very cycle-friendly, naturally. Not the quickest due to Cannon Hill Park (ped traffic, not great surface etc), but the ring road crossing by the central mosque is fine.
    Actually I've just remembered how coming home loads of cars would go straight on there, which is not allowed, and is a problem for a cycle trying to get back on the other side of the road to rejoin the cycle path. Think I've had a rant about this in the past, either here or elsewhere. (It's mostly fine though really).

    I'd request the free cycle map from the council and have a look. Even if you don't find a great route first time, it's all about making incremental changes which make it better and better as you find better options here and there.
    I've forgotten my PIN for the pain barrier.
  • are the towpaths OK.

    I use the towpaths from Wolverhampton to Birmingham City centre then change canals and cycle to the womens hospital. The towpaths on that side are amazing and well maintained if a little busy.
  • Thanks for the information. :D

    I think I'll try the Rea valley & Mosque crossing first, and try the Pershore road if it doesn't seem too intimidating.
    Non-Sexist, Non-Racist, Non-Violent Egalitarian Chess: 32 grey pawns all on the same side
  • nation
    nation Posts: 609
    The only part of Pershore road I really have trouble with is the roundabout where it meets the A4540. It tends to jam solid in rush hour because three lanes of traffic on the roundabout invariably try to squeeze into a two lane exit.

    Pick a lane and take it in primary and you'll be fine, though.

    Other than that, the roads wide enough that there's no real danger from passing, and it's busy enough in rush hour that you can keep pace with the traffic without too much difficulty.
  • landrew
    landrew Posts: 69
    tomfoolery wrote:

    I'd request the free cycle map from the council and have a look. Even if you don't find a great route first time, it's all about making incremental changes which make it better and better as you find better options here and there.


    The map is free and has suggested cycle routes marked (including canal towpaths) - could be useful if you want to avoid the busier roads.
  • Massimo
    Massimo Posts: 318
    I come in via the Hagley Road/Broad Street/Bristol Street but I 'do' 5 Ways island on my way home. All I can say is be confident, learn to anticipate and get your clipping in/out perfected so you are not flapping your feet around trying to pull away with 7 cars bearing down on you. :wink:
    Crash 'n Burn, Peel 'n Chew
    FCN: 2
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,451
    I'm the other side of town (City centre - Perry Barr - Cannock) but the roads sound similar, just be confident don't take any risks and relax. At rush hour the traffic is much slower than me until perry barr so just watch out for lane changers and opening doors :D
    Saracen Tenet 3 - 2015 - Dead - Replaced with a Hack Frame
    Voodoo Bizango - 2014 - Dead - Hit by a car
    Vitus Sentier VRS - 2017
  • andy83
    andy83 Posts: 1,558
    one road i hate during rush hour is bristol road, especially where it turns into a 30mph and narrow two lane, pershore road better for getting into town then straigh past where matthew boulton college used to be then up past selfridges etc, thats the best way i find
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    andy83 wrote:
    one road i hate during rush hour is bristol road, especially where it turns into a 30mph and narrow two lane, pershore road better for getting into town then straigh past where matthew boulton college used to be then up past selfridges etc, thats the best way i find
    That's basically the route I take, coming from the north through Perry Barr to Birmingham University. Past Aston uni and Matthew Bolton, round the back of Selfridges, through Digbeth onto Pershore Road then switch onto Bristol Road as late as possible.

    It's generally fine, I've not had any problems, even at the A4540 island.
  • cakewalk
    cakewalk Posts: 220
    This works for me (you mentioned Moseley ) ... /769026104

    BTW - it's not in Somoa.

    Bham is sh1t for cycling. Contact to hassle them for information (and free map).
    "I thought of it while riding my bicycle."
  • andy83
    andy83 Posts: 1,558
    does really annoy me how bad things are for cyclists in birmingham

    when i moan to people they just say get a car, to which i reply well i have but like my bike and dont want to be fat like you lol

    roads are awful and cycle lanes none existant

    look at the for an example

    start of path ... 71311,,0,5

    end of path ... 17131,,0,5