Tour of Britain - 2009

NervexProf Posts: 4,202
edited April 2009 in Pro race
Norfolk to get a stage - no date yet available - see here: ... 013111.stm

Coverage of Tour Series on TV

ITV viewers will be able to enjoy for the second year, nightly broadcasts of highlights of the Tour of Britain professional cycle race. In addition, ITV will also broadcast highlights from the new Tour Series professional city centre cycle race series.

ITV will broadcast highlights of the Tour Series, starting from 21 May to 25 June, the day after each event from 7pm – 8pm on ITV4. The Tour of Britain, taking place from 12 – 19 September, will benefit from hourly highlights every evening on ITV4 between 7pm – 8pm, plus repeats the following day

Further information from TOB site here: ... newsid=187
Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom


  • The Norfolk stage for the 2010 race, according to the news stories this week.$1290376.htm

    That link suggests they'll be two stages in the South West this year which is good, always been good routes and lots of fans out on the stage in '07 and '08.
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Have they released the routes for this year yet? I know there's one in Stoke-on-Trent and Liverpool (I think)
  • andyrac
    andyrac Posts: 1,230
    Any proper hilly routes? i;e Lake District, Wales, etc
    All Road/ Gravel: tbcWinter: tbcMTB: tbcRoad: tbc"Look at the time...." "he's fallen like an old lady on a cruise ship..."
  • I'm sure I read in one of those news articles about Norfolk or the South West that the launch was fairly soon, beginning of May iirc.