Strange ideas you have whilst cycling in the rain

downfader Posts: 3,686
edited April 2009 in The bottom bracket
There I was, getting wet on the way into work the other morning and began to wonder if I could fit a plate on each side of my rear lever to fit 4 brake blocks instead of two. :lol: And if that would increase braking ability in the wet. :lol:

...then 5 minutes later thinking to myself "I fancy a donut" (I had 2 when I got in :oops: )

Does anyone else get these little foibles pop into their head, or is it just me? :)


  • GoLance
    GoLance Posts: 28
    Yes just this morning I was on the way to my local bike shop ( in the heavy rain and I thought to myself: 'Can I powerslide my bike round a corner?'. So I tried and promptly fell off, and slid along the road into a pavement. I'm okay though, but when I got back on the bike, I thought: 'Falling off that time was real fun! Let's do it again!' I didn't though.

    So if you were near Yate, S. Glos at 10:10 am and you saw a tall guy in Astana kit jumping up and down shouting and swearing, it was me. :lol:
    'You are not worth the chair you are sitting on with a statement like that...and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you.'
    (Lance Armstrong)
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,457
    I think to myself this is great fun :D and ride along grinning like a loon.

    Then the next time I'm due to go out and it's spitting a bit I go eurgh! and get back in bed.

    Strange that :?
  • I think odd things all the time - not just restricted to wet cycling!
    Ned Flanders: “You were bicycling two abreast?”
    Homer Simpson: “I wish. We were bicycling to a lake.”

    Specialized Rockhopper Pro Disc 08
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    prawny wrote:
    I think to myself this is great fun :D and ride along grinning like a loon.

    Then the next time I'm due to go out and it's spitting a bit I go eurgh! and get back in bed.

    Strange that :?

    I agree, once your out and it starts its very nice. But if you've just got up and town is drenched.. :oops:
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,457
    Yeah or if it starts when I'm at work and I've got to ride home. I s'pose it all depends on the proximity of a bed :)
  • Last time I rode in the rain I was thinking how clever I was to wear a waterproof even though it was sunny at the time.

    Then the hail came and started filling up the holes in my helmet and I started thinking different thoughts.
  • JGS
    JGS Posts: 180
    downfader wrote:
    Does anyone else get these little foibles pop into their head, or is it just me? :)

    The brakes thing? No

    The donuts thing? Yes! :lol:
  • craker
    craker Posts: 1,739
    man, I did well this morning then. Got up, got into my cycling gear, saw the rain, went back to bed. Lay in bed and weighed up driving to work :evil: or cycling :P

    I cycled in, rain was light, got drenched but glad I made the effort

    I remember thinking about how warm dry socks were one of the defining improvments of western civilisation.
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    I'm usually deciding upon 'the point of saturation'; where one cannot possibly be any wetter; clothes seem pointless and should I, I wonder, take them off....similiarly with my spectacles, although the latter is considerably more dangerous.

    Though not as dangerous as no specs+no clothes (for me at least).
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    I'm usually deciding upon 'the point of saturation'; where one cannot possibly be any wetter; clothes seem pointless and should I, I wonder, take them off....similiarly with my spectacles, although the latter is considerably more dangerous.

    Though not as dangerous as no specs+no clothes (for me at least).

    .and why does it NEVER rain on those naked bike rides? They've had one once a year here in Southampton for a few years now iirc. Never been though. :oops: :lol:
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    GoLance wrote:
    Yes just this morning I was on the way to my local bike shop ( in the heavy rain and I thought to myself: 'Can I powerslide my bike round a corner?'. So I tried and promptly fell off, and slid along the road into a pavement. I'm okay though, but when I got back on the bike, I thought: 'Falling off that time was real fun! Let's do it again!' I didn't though.

    So if you were near Yate, S. Glos at 10:10 am and you saw a tall guy in Astana kit jumping up and down shouting and swearing, it was me. :lol:

    I've got to say that it'd be more embarrassing to wear Astana kit than to actually fall off :roll:
    I like bikes...
