Is my head to big to ride fast?

Ben from Warwick
Ben from Warwick Posts: 402
edited April 2009 in The bottom bracket
I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
Could my head size be slowing me down?
Tippex, what an erection, go and close the window.


  • uh... no! what are you talking about????
  • yup, u got a big head and it's slowing u down.... haha
    man u r funny :lol:
  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    6"? from where to where!?

    Yes, a big head will slow you down because it causes extra drag. I'd recommend a shave, a severe haircut and waxed eyeborws to lessen the effect. Oh and don't go opening your mouth.
  • HenryS
    HenryS Posts: 104
    6!?!?!? I would highly recommend seeing a doctor about that head, it must be causing some severe strain on your neck..
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
    I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
    Could my head size be slowing me down?

    Barack Obama or Robert Mugabe :D ?
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    I think we need a diagrammatic explanation of your head shape. You might have one of those heads which is more aerodynamically efficient when rotated at 90 degrees to the airstream.

    If that's the case, shaving the hair off the front most side will save an extra 1.3 seconds on a 10 mile TT. If you don't have any hair, glue half a wig to the other side.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Try another one on and see if you are any faster. I had a big head once but after switching to a smaller one my racing got so much better that I signed a pro contract.

    Dennis Noward
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    or go for the controversial aero-implants now available on the NHS...

    reduce the drag by making the large head work for you...
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • y tin
    y tin Posts: 102
    Of course it doesn't really matter what size your head is.......cos its all relative to the size of your nose.

    If you've got a big nose, then that should smooth the airflow over your big napper. But if you've only got a small nose then I'm afraid you're pretty much stuffed.
  • You cant really have a big head otherwise you'd be much faster than anybody :lol:
    2 Wheels or not 2 wheels..That is not in question.
  • I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
    I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
    Could my head size be slowing me down?

    Definitely. Your best bet is to stick your head in a pan of boiling water for ten minutes then straight into a pan of cold water. This will shrink it big time.
  • DomPro
    DomPro Posts: 321
    Did you just accidentally the whole thing? haha
    Shazam !!
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
    I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
    Could my head size be slowing me down?
    Were they shouting "big head" then? Maybe if you don't pose as much your head will shrink. :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    You have some serious boredom issues dontcha?
  • mmitchell88
    mmitchell88 Posts: 340
    I think we need to cut the OP some slack rather than take the piss out of him - it's this kind of response which makes cyclists often seem a bit aloof or unwelcoming.

    Ben - none of us are really going to be able to give you a proper response on the basis of the information you've given. First up - inches. They're ok for gearing, but for body parts you need to give us metric (it's all the European clothing we buy).

    Second - I think a major problem is using a black plastic ruler. Some may see that as being (ahem) 'colourist'. Either get a range of colours, or just one of those shatterproof transparent items that we had at school. Use a flexicurve for any 'non-straight' part of the body.

    Third - you've elected to measure only one body part. That's fine for starters, but you should also include:

    Distance separating left eye from right eye;
    Distance from left knee to right knee;
    Distance from nose to wall;
    Size of breasts (if applicable).

    That last one is tricky to get with a ruler or flexicurve. I'd be happy to help (unless you're male, in which case substitute penis for breasts and find another friend).
    Making a cup of coffee is like making love to a beautiful woman. It's got to be hot. You've got to take your time. You've got to stir... gently and firmly. You've got to grind your beans until they squeak.
    And then you put in the milk.
  • Blonde
    Blonde Posts: 3,188
    Yes your head it too big. I suggest cutting it it off or having it surgically shaped to fit an aero helmet....

    To the above poster - you forgot the crucial measurement of @rse to tit. When you fall, you always fall @rse over tit, so these things are important to know....
  • grayo59
    grayo59 Posts: 722
    I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
    I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
    Could my head size be slowing me down?

    Definitely. Your best bet is to stick your head in a pan of boiling water for ten minutes then straight into a pan of cold water. This will shrink it big time.

    And after putting your head into 2nd pan keep it on as a helmet....
    ......heading for the box, but not too soon I hope!
  • mmitchell88
    mmitchell88 Posts: 340
    Blonde wrote:
    To the above poster - you forgot the crucial measurement of @rse to tit. When you fall, you always fall @rse over tit, so these things are important to know....

    Arse from elbow is also an important one, but so many people get this measurement wrong. If you're measuring the separation of right arse from right elbow, the ruler must be in the right hand. Likewise for the left.

    The other one, of course, is left arse from right arse. In this case, maximum separation is crucial. You WILL need a friend to perform the measurement. I recommend a prone position.
    Making a cup of coffee is like making love to a beautiful woman. It's got to be hot. You've got to take your time. You've got to stir... gently and firmly. You've got to grind your beans until they squeak.
    And then you put in the milk.
  • are you talking about your penis?
  • Tino4444
    Tino4444 Posts: 281
    I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
    I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
    Could my head size be slowing me down?


    You must look like a wii character hahahaha.....only kidding, of course it does not you just need to build up your leg strength and stamina


    May I ask, why a black ruler?

    Speciallized Allez 09...great bike shame about the wheels!!
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    You haven't mentioned your ears. If they stick way out from your head and are as big as Dumbo the elephant. Well, you may have different problem other than just head size.

    Dennis Noward
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I have a similar problem.

    My ears are quite large, could they be acting as a wind break and therfor slowing me down?
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    dennisn wrote:
    You haven't mentioned your ears. If they stick way out from your head and are as big as Dumbo the elephant. Well, you may have different problem other than just head size.
    Maybe it's not the OP's head size that's the problem. Could it be that his magic feather's too small?
    willhub wrote:
    My ears are quite large, could they be acting as a wind break and therfor slowing me down?
    Have you considered drilling them out?
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    willhub wrote:
    I have a similar problem.

    My ears are quite large, could they be acting as a wind break and therfor slowing me down?
    You're not Prince Charles are you?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665

    Also, anyone know any good adhesive, I keep getting my trunk stuck in my spokes so need to tie it back.
  • yes your head is slowing you down big time mate, the extra weight and aerodynamic loss must be slowing you down at least 2-3 miles an hour :lol::lol::lol:
    Ribble Gran Fondo
    Focus Black Hills
    Raleigh Chopper
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    HEID, TROOSERS, NOO! Like an orange on a cocktail stick.

    Seriously mate that is so funny, OMG a black rule, you couldnt make this up. How could your head size affect aerodynamics? This is hilarious, brilliant, thanks for posting, God bless you, hahahahahahaha

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Well tbh if you head was the size of say one of those virgin baloons it would.
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    The verb 'to big', irregular. Usually stated as 'to big up' someone or something, meaning to talk positively about them in order to increase their stature.

    I big, you(singular) big, he/she/it bigs
    We big, you(plural) big, they big

    Do you need to 'big up' someone to engraciate yourself in order to get on a ride? When blame your head for the situation? If you must big up someone to ride, then I say 'yes, do it'.

    Is this what you mean? :twisted:
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • I have just measured my head with a black ruler. It's about 6 inches.
    I'm not as fast as some other riders I know.
    Could my head size be slowing me down?

    Barack Obama or Robert Mugabe :D ?

    Lol. Good form sir!