First Official 10 Mile TT Tonight

dttlincs Posts: 384
edited April 2009 in Amateur race
I got round to joining the local CC this year. I had only ridden one 10 mile TT there about 3 years ago as a guest with 31.07.
Anyway start time was 7.00 but only got there at about 6.45(in the car) so no time for a warm up. Introduced myself as a new member etc. Then was asked if I minded if I start number 5 with 30 second intervals. I said Ok but it was a bit of a rush to get a number on and to the start a mile away.
Anyway set off at bit too keen as half a mile in looked at the speedo reading 27mph!
Calmed down a bit then and ended up catching 3 of the 4 riders in front of me. As it is run on a 2 lap circuit I had others to chase on the second lap but was overtaken by about 4 guys on there first lap(all on full on TT bikes). I was on a road bike, no tri bars.
Was hoping for sub 30, thought I had actually done about 29 but just checked the club site and posted a 28.04.
One very pleased almost 40 year old!
Can't wait to next week!
Still thinking!


  • ninjaslim
    ninjaslim Posts: 243
    Well done
    sub 28 next week then.
    good luck,

    Here's a crazy plan, pacing is probably worth 30 secs to a minute so try starting at 22 mph for two miles and gradually increasing the speed, ramping it up slowly with enough beans left to do the last 3 miles at 25mph or whatever you can muster and see how it goes.

    welcome back, I hope you get hooked, you'll be buying a silly hat before you know it!
  • dttlincs
    dttlincs Posts: 384
    2nd one last night. This time 28.56 but windier conditions and most lost from 30 sec to 2 mins on last weeks times. Thought I would be slower so happy with the result.
    Still thinking!
  • DoubleTop
    DoubleTop Posts: 48
    dttlincs wrote:
    I got round to joining the local CC this year. I had only ridden one 10 mile TT there about 3 years ago as a guest with 31.07.
    Anyway start time was 7.00 but only got there at about 6.45(in the car) so no time for a warm up. Introduced myself as a new member etc. Then was asked if I minded if I start number 5 with 30 second intervals. I said Ok but it was a bit of a rush to get a number on and to the start a mile away.
    Anyway set off at bit too keen as half a mile in looked at the speedo reading 27mph!
    Calmed down a bit then and ended up catching 3 of the 4 riders in front of me. As it is run on a 2 lap circuit I had others to chase on the second lap but was overtaken by about 4 guys on there first lap(all on full on TT bikes). I was on a road bike, no tri bars.
    Was hoping for sub 30, thought I had actually done about 29 but just checked the club site and posted a 28.04.
    One very pleased almost 40 year old!
    Can't wait to next week!

    Well done - most people would say that the 1st hurdle is to go under 30 mins with an average speed of 20mph. After that you try a keep chipping away and see where you get to at the end of the season. Great effort.
  • wolleur
    wolleur Posts: 30
    Did my first one last night, posted 29.19 on k10/10. I'm fairly happy with that but will be looking to improve next week.

    It hurts!
    Campag taste, jam wages.
  • celbianchi
    celbianchi Posts: 854
    wolleur wrote:
    Did my first one last night, posted 29.19 on k10/10. I'm fairly happy with that but will be looking to improve next week.

    It hurts!

    It does, and the GREAT news is that it doesn't hurt any less the more you do.

    Just hurts for a little less time.

    Keep at it, it's very rewarding getting your times down.

    And the good thing is it is the same for all of us, whether you want to go sub 28 or sub 22, we are all striving for that bit more.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    edited April 2009
    I managed a 27.34 for my first one, round 2 next thursday! Hopefully it will be dry this time!
    If I can get down to a 25 something by the end of the season I'll be happy.
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I was hoping for sub 25s this season, I was well up for it until that OCP patrol SR11 sniper took me out on that hill for mixing SRAM components with Shimano wheels...

  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    a_n_t wrote:
    I managed a 27.34 for my first one.

    26.52 tonight and it was absolutely p!ssing it down! Couldn't be arsed to warm up!
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.