Water in frame - problem?

HonestAl Posts: 406
edited April 2009 in Road beginners
Oo-er!!! I was just turning my bike round in the confines of the garage by standing it on its rear wheel and rotating it when I was more than a little surprised to hear the sound of water sloshing around. Tipping the frame back and forth confirmed it, there was water running round inside the frame. It's been pretty wet round here over this weekend and I've put a good few miles in. Of course there are holes in the frame where cables run etc, so I'm not overly surprised that water finds its way into the frame. But I'm more surprised that it doesn't find it's way out too. In fact the only way I could get it out was to invert the bike totally when it began to dribble out from the seat post!!! I reckon between a quarter and half a pint of water ended up on the floor

It's a carbon frame so I guess it won't get too damaged, but I can't see it doing the cables a lot of good.

Any thoughts? Should I be worried or not? I've never noticed the same on any other bike I've owned, so it seems more than a bit odd to me.

Thanks for the help.
"The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon


  • All the bikes I have ever owned including carbon ones have had a hole drilled in the base of the bottom bracket. Is it possible your drainage hole is bunged up with old grease, mud etc?

    It used to get interesting when I poked a bit of wire through the mud on my mountain bike :shock: Niagra Falls didn't have a look in then :wink:
    Volition & freedom is within the remit of a democratic society.

    Not everybody agrees with your point of view though.
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Remove the screw to the cable guide to drain water our from the frame, then seal the top of the tube and seatpost interface with clear silicone, same with the clamping slot on the back of the tube. This is where most water gets in, particularly via the slot on bikes without guards.
  • HonestAl
    HonestAl Posts: 406
    Thanks for the quick reply. The holes by the BB don't LOOK bunged up superficially, but I'll get in there with a bit of wire later and see if any small animals emerge.

    I dunno, you pay the earth to shave a few grammes off, and have stuff finely balanced and rigid, then have a pint of water rushing backwards and forwards to aid the handling ... :? ;)
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon