Quick question for all the 4X racers out there

Remy_98 Posts: 99
edited April 2009 in MTB buying advice
Hi guys, looking to get into 4x racing and Ive got a Pinnacle Trojan 2.0 and want to upgrade the Avid BB5's to something slightly better lol thinking of either Shimano SLX's, Avid Elixir R's Formula Oro K24's or Hope Mono Mini's. Im currently leaning towards the Formula's or the Avid's but would appreciate some advice! Also thinking about tires; is a 2 inch Bonty XR1 Team or 2.1 Crossmark good for the rear or should I go for a 2.35 Larsen tt for the rear and is a High roller 2.35 for the front a good option or would i be better off with matching tires?

thanks guys