Problem when braking

bikeit65 Posts: 1,001
edited April 2009 in Workshop
Whenever i pull the front brake it is like shuddering feeling,
any ideas what this could be.
I thought the headset might have come loose so i checked the headset but it is fine, checked the front brake calliper there is no play in it but the brake blocks are a bit worn down but there is still life in them, would changing the blocks make any difference?
Any help or advise would be great.
Trek Domane SL7 GEN4
Planet X RT58
Cannondale CAAD 10 2012.
Pain.. Is weakness leaving the body.



  • careful
    careful Posts: 720
    You dont say what type of brakes (V, caliper etc) some are more prone to this than others. If you have eliminated play in the headset and brakes then dirty or greasy rims are a common culprit. Give the rims braking surfaces a good scrub with a kitchen scourer or similar gentle abrasive - see if it helps. If not then try new blocks and set them with a bit of toe-in if possible (closer to the rim at the front of the blocks). This is not possible on all types of brakes though.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    have you just tightened the headset or removed the forks and re-greased it?

    I had a headset wobble that i couldn't fix, turned out to be the lower bearings had rusted away as had the crown race that just dropped off the steerer when i turned the forks upsidedown!!!!!
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    also worth checking the hub for play, to eliminate the brakes as a source, turn the front wheel perpendicular to the frame and see if it still knocks at all.
  • bikeit65
    bikeit65 Posts: 1,001
    Careful they are Ultegra calliper brakes.
    Will give the wheel rims a good clean, will let you know how i get on,
    Trek Domane SL7 GEN4
    Planet X RT58
    Cannondale CAAD 10 2012.
    Pain.. Is weakness leaving the body.

  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Ultegra Pads :shock: beware, they are hard wearing, hope your rims are, try some softer pads Coolstop or swisstop

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • bikeit65
    bikeit65 Posts: 1,001
    John C would these suit my brakes, if so would i be better getting black or red? ... 300005952/
    Trek Domane SL7 GEN4
    Planet X RT58
    Cannondale CAAD 10 2012.
    Pain.. Is weakness leaving the body.

  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    Red are softer and will wear out quicker, but if you have soft rims go for these. The black ones will still be kinder than Ultegra and will be much better brakes. Once you've tried them you won't go back. For what it's worth I'm on the black with Shimano WHr550 wheels and there is no sign of wear after 2000 hilly miles.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace