Advise on a cammel bak Hydration pack

flyer Posts: 608
edited April 2009 in Road beginners
I find that carrying a large bottle of water adds a lot of weight to my bike.

Also I find it a little tricky getting the bottle out of the cage whilst moving.

However is the Cammel Bak open to infections, ie how hard is it to make sure it's cleaned out.

Are they used for off road or road as well?

Would you recommend one?



  • justresting
    justresting Posts: 292
    I got one, decided life was too short, went back to bottles.
    ' From the sharks in the penthouse,
    to the rats in the basement,
    its not that far '
  • TBH you don't see many roadies using camelbaks as it isn't difficult to use a water bottle on a flat road. It's more of a mountain bike thing where going one-handed to pick up your water bottle could mean you falling off on undulating ground.

    As for the weight issue; it doesn't matter whether the bottle is on the bike or on your back as you still have to propel it along. I've used one for years; on the bike (mountain) when running long distances or in hot sandy places on patrol without catching any infectious diseases. Clean it out with bicarbonate of soda every month and it'll be fine.

    Don't think you really need them for the road TBH but there's no reason why not. I do use one on longer rides (80 miles+) if i don't want to stop off at a shop.