Kelloggs Tour of Ireland latest?

Porkyboy Posts: 433

Just posted this to the ToI forum, anyone know any more?

I wonder if someone could clarify for me what the current position is with the ToI and whether it is still actually happening. The forums are very quiet and the news section of the website has not been updated for ages, nothing has come out of the Twitter feed that was announced. I've just downloaded the registration list as TBH I have yet to pay the last part of my registration (I was told an email was coming out when it was due) and so far it looks as if there are only 20 confirmed riders.

1). Is the event going ahead?
2). How many definite riders are there?

Thanks very much,



  • daibhi
    daibhi Posts: 21
    Not doing it myself, but there is a thread on it on

    Perhaps these guys may be able to help.
  • They updated the list today. If you check it out your name should be on it as waiting confirmation. Reckon if you try to pay up rest of entry they will accept :lol:
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • Porkyboy
    Porkyboy Posts: 433
    They updated the list today. If you check it out your name should be on it as waiting confirmation. Reckon if you try to pay up rest of entry they will accept :lol:

    Blimey, just downloaded the list from the site, same list I downloaded yesterday, just 20 confirmed riders, do you reckon that's right? If it is surely the event is non-viable?

  • vanleapo
    vanleapo Posts: 150
    I'm guessing that you only become confirmed when you make the final payment.

    Most people are probably waiting until the last minute to make the final payment. I know I am.

    I'm certainly looking forward to it. I just hope the weather is a bit better in 4 weeks time.
    Tearfund Tour of Scotland 26th May to 1st June 2013
  • Porkyboy
    Porkyboy Posts: 433
    vanleapo wrote:
    I'm guessing that you only become confirmed when you make the final payment.

    Most people are probably waiting until the last minute to make the final payment. I know I am.

    I'm certainly looking forward to it. I just hope the weather is a bit better in 4 weeks time.

    Yes, the thing is that the final payment, according to the site, is due by 20th May 2009 which is some while AFTER the event. I'm assuming it means either 20th March or April?


  • Saw your post on the ToI Forum Porkyboy, and sent an email to the organiser [or at least the guy who chased me for my [already paid] deposit last year - computer glitch apparently. I must admit I'm getting a bad feeling about this one - I entered the Trans Wales [similar length etc but off-road] a couple of years back, and was getting regular updates etc about the event. It seems too quiet...

    It's also a pain because of the exchange rate - going to cost 25 per cent more than when I originally signed up for it! I'll post here if I get a reply to my email.
    PS - In September 2010 I’ll be cycling 900 miles from the East Midlands to the Med for cancer research. To find out more about Mids2Med 2010, or to make a donation, visit
  • Porkyboy
    Porkyboy Posts: 433
    Porkyboy wrote:
    1). Is the event going ahead?
    2). How many definite riders are there?

    Just downloaded the latest list, seems there are a total of just 51 riders now, if there are 3 groups that would currently make just 17 riders per group.

  • I see they updated the route pages today :lol:
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • sbaywatch
    sbaywatch Posts: 17
    I noticed that, so day 3 is now 152 miles and then 130 miles the day after. Thats a tough couple of days.

    I'm entered with my mate and can't wait. I thought there were a good few 100 doing this
  • It's been promoted by RTE recently - see The last paragrpah made me smile though:

    This is the third year that the Kellogg's Tour of Ireland has been staged. The event was voted the best organised event of its type by the international amateur cycling community in both 2007 and 2008.

    Not exactly borne out by the pre-event organisation...
    PS - In September 2010 I’ll be cycling 900 miles from the East Midlands to the Med for cancer research. To find out more about Mids2Med 2010, or to make a donation, visit
  • Porkyboy
    Porkyboy Posts: 433

    This is the latest I have. just received from Marc, one of the organisers:

    "We are extremely busy marking roads, preparing signs and fighting with
    councils and police, we are down on our expectations with almost 100
    riders pre-registering after the TOIcc2008 but with the economical changes
    we are still proceeding with a consolidated number, it will still be a
    good 'pro-race' size!"


  • Well the route is now decided so just get yourself ready for good days.
    Silvermines climb not included in day 4 but Day 3 is long and very rolling :lol:
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • sbaywatch
    sbaywatch Posts: 17
    Can't wait, bring it on. Certainly a smaller field than I expected but a 100 riders (according to the site, approx) is still good. The detailed itinery looks pretty slick though with evening dinner each night between 4.30 and 6.30 I can see me and my mate heading on out later for more food :D

    Day 3 looks like a monster.

    Does anyone who has done it before know whether there are any massage options in the evening. Nothing mentioned on the site.
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    I'm down to do it so hope its happening. Those not yet confirmed will still (I think) have paid €400 deposit so are pretty likely to be taking part.

    Just noticed that the deadline for balance is now a more logical 17th April.

    Did the event last year and seem to remember about this time was similar in terms of news etc but rider numbers were more. That turned out to be a great event (even the weather was good) and hoping will be same this time round.

    Good news re Silvermines (if its off the route) though. Didnt mind going up so much, that was just hard. Going down was terrifying.

    For those not done before, distances are long but seem shorter due to rider escort and organised groups. I reckon this added 3-5mph in terms of average speed compared to similar length/profile "normal" sportives
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • Have to agree re the deposit.Not mny can afford to walk away from that.
    Silvermines was my wall last year.Glad we not going back, that turn at the bottom with the reverse camber and pine needles still gives me nightmares.
    Not know the first part of day 3 well but the bit from the 1st feed on are my home roads.The whole thing would be classed as Rolling and the few Hills are Short Sharp Shocks. Not being longer than 1k. Biggest prob may be the wind. Prevailing Southwesterly likes to find its way along the lake shore and thru the valleys.So pray for good weather. This is a beautiful area.
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • I did it last year and thought it was a great experience and very well organised on the day. Would love to do it again this year but afraid that the move from 4 days to 5 days put me off. Not only because, for me 4 days was tough enough but also a long weekend is one thing but once you move it to 5 days you may as well take the week off work, in which case its in competition with family holidays.... I think there were over 200 of us last year, perhaps some of them think the same way I do and they would have got a bigger take up had they left it at 4 days.
  • Porkyboy
    Porkyboy Posts: 433

    I'm riding in the Kellogg's Tour of Ireland :-) I just thought I would mention that I'll be carying a GPS tracker which will I hope be updating my position every 1-2 minutes and displaying it on a Google map as a red dot. On the assumption that I'll be somewhere in or around the main body of riders this would allow anyone to let friends and family know roughly where they are at any given time.

    On a PC use this link:

    On a mobile use this link:

    So, if you want friends and family to know with reasonable accuracy where you are send them the links above and they can check your progress on a scaleable and scrollable map. They will need to rafresh the map to update the position but that's just one click of the mouse!

    Look forward to seeing you out on the road!

