Broken bottom bracket extraction?

baldy124 Posts: 14
edited April 2009 in Workshop
I'm after a bit of help.
My bottom bracket has near on died with some nasty creaks and it's running rough.
It's an old style square splined type btm bracket with 8 speed shimano cranks on a Trek 5000 carbon frame.

So I happily take the cranks off, then undo the non-drive side btm bracket.

Now the problems started, the drive side cup was tight but eventually came lose.
I unthreaded it to find that at some point the cup has broken. Literally half the cup unthreaded and came out, while the other half is still screwed into the frame.
About all I can tell is it was awhile ago and not when I took it out due to the corrosion on the break.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how to get the broken half of the cup out of the frame? It's a carbon frame too?



  • gundersen
    gundersen Posts: 586
    if the axel is out and only a bit of the cup left inside - I would take a hacksaw and cut it in 3, then use a skrewdriver to lift the pieces out.
  • baldy124
    baldy124 Posts: 14
    I couldn't get the axel out. I hit it a few times with a soft hammer but it wasn't even thinking about moving so I've sort of run out of ideas, hence the post.

    Should I keep hitting a carbon frame or just give up? Not sure what the LBS could do that I'm not trying?

    Thanks again.
  • gundersen
    gundersen Posts: 586
    if I understand you then you have one cup out
    the other cup is half out
    and the axel is stil in the frame

    it wont help hittting it

    you could try oil

    or freezing it with ice (make it shrink)

    (don't try heating it - not good for the bonding of alu and carbon)

    you could as a last resort try and drill the bearings to pieces so that you could get the axel out - and then saw the cup out