Lights...and being seen.....

steerpike Posts: 424
edited April 2009 in Road beginners
Out of habit, I always leave a back one flashing even on these bright spring days. But....with saddle wedge bag it's a bit of excess baggage so I'm thinking of removing. Any conclusive proof that lights during the day are any use in the visibility stakes? I usually wear bright colours and/or a hi viz vest anyhow.


  • dazzawazza
    dazzawazza Posts: 462
    On overcast days I use a front 1W LED on constant when commuting. My assumption is it helps me being seen when filtering on the outside of traffic. I generally don't bother with the rear unless it's a very dark day.
    During the summer I don't wear hi-vis.
  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    I find hi-viz is more visible in bright daylight unless you have some seriously powerful lights.
    Lights on blinking when dawn-dusk or overcast.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Put your light on flashing and then walk 20 yards behind it. Can you see it ? If so - its probably working for you. So many people have lights that are either so crap, pointing the wrong way, or with flat batteries - that you can only see them when you're on top of the bike.

    As the posters say - if its a bright day - you need very bright lights. On a dull day - I do use my Smart Superflash light - its pretty visible with fresh batteries.