When to have a cake stop

Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant Posts: 34
edited April 2009 in Road beginners
Hello folks, first post here but I guess that's obvious.

I was wondering if you have a limit (time or distance) after which it just makes sense to have a bit of a break whilst you're out for the day. If so how long? Is there an optimum time beyond which it is hard work to get going again?

The reason for asking...my goal is to manage a 100m ride this year in around 6hrs maybe the Forest of Arden in August. I'm pretty sure I'll need a break during that despite the "rolling profile".

Your advice would be vmuch appreciated.


  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    I suppose the obvious answer is 'half way'.

    Stops are not mandatory though - if you can carry enough food & liquid with you there is no reason why you should not just keep riding...
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    I generally carry my own food. I've found that the little-and-often method works well for me. I'll usually have a bit to eat every 20 miles or so, but it's a personal thing.

    If there's a proper sit-down cafe stop, I'll usually try and make it half to two thirds through the ride, depending on the distance.

    Try a few of the different approaches from the suggestions you get here to see what works best for you.
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Clearly its when you find a nice cake stop ?
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Sorry - what's the difference between a "cake stop" and a "cafe stop"? Don't stop usually as I always take enough out with me - had my first ever stop the other day (at a farm) so i'm not used to all these technical terms! :lol:

    Do you actually eat cake at a cake stop? Cake would probably make me throw up! :?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Are you SURE you are a cyclist ? For a lot of people cycling is merely a cunning way to get to eat cake from a wide area.[/i]
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I rarely eat cake.

    Cake and I dont get on.

    I'd rather have a sarnie.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Bhima wrote:

    Do you actually eat cake at a cake stop? Cake would probably make me throw up! :?

    eat cake at a cake stop, drink tea at a tea stop and sit in a cafe at a cafe stop. They are all just euphemisms for taking a break from riding - there is no requirement to interpret the title literally....
  • wolleur
    wolleur Posts: 30
    Hello Mount Pleasant, so you're riding round the forest of Arden.... try Middleton Hall for a cake stop, they do a fine bacon sandwich, though not technically a cake you do get to eat it in fine tudor surroundings. They do have proper cakes too though.

    Cake stop stratagem is your choice, I normally do half way, out then back. Sometimes no cake stop and I eat on the hoof if I'm on my own. Cake stops are more of a social thing, and I'm not sure if they confer any advantage as you have to warm up again after stopping.
    Campag taste, jam wages.
  • Thanks for the advice & as Softlad suggests please don't get hung up on the "cake" thing. It's sounding like a Dom Jolly skit!

    I only used the term since there is a forum called cake stop and I thought it was a generic term for all that. I was just thinking about the need to give my backside a break and take on some food for around 10-15 mins thats all.
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    I never feel as good in the legs after a stop, so I try not to take one before I have done two thirds of my ride.
  • le_grimpeur
    le_grimpeur Posts: 135
    Anything less than 2 hours I take an energy bar with me. Between 2-4 hours, eat a banana first and take 2 energy bars and some apricots.

    Where I used to live there was the obligatory ice cream at the top of the return climb, no matter how long the ride.

    then of course, there is the Cake Stop Ride, which features gentle riding just to get from one cake stop, or café to the next.

    My favourite is the café in the village. Coke, and ice cream after four hours, then 5 minutes home.
    The ultimate cruelty of love's pinions
  • JGS
    JGS Posts: 180
    I always find my legs are dead if I stop for more than 15 mins. I usually go for a stop for a few (3-5) mins every hour to snaffle a sarnie / go-bar / cereal bar, drink a little water and then spend about 5-10 mins on a fast cadence but low speed warm back up before going back to normal speeds. If I am planning more than 50 miles though, I'll take a 15 min break at about 35-40 miles to get a load of calories back inside me.
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    ... then of course, there is the Cake Stop Ride, which features gentle riding just to get from one cake stop, or café to the next.
    A Cake Crawl! Like a pub crawl, but for cake.
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill