The Race Reports Thread

Toks Posts: 1,143
edited September 2009 in Amateur race
Come on then lets make this a dedicated race report thread. It will be especially great to hear from Newbies and those that are starting to progress. I'm in my 3rd proper year of racing and I'm hoping to bag a win this year and rack up the points as a 2nd cat racer. Ok thats enough -here's last weekend report.

"So whats the plan then", asked Sylv. "Er... how about we stay up front and see what happens", I replied, ever so wisely ;-) Well that's the short version. I probably rambled on about breakaways and keeping an eye on London Dynamos and that ex-rower bloke but hey, whatever! Now apparently yesterday the weather was predicted to be rainy, windy and cold. At the race briefing small hard white stony stuff fell briefly from the heavens. I won't lie to you - I got a... Read More


  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    I always enjoyed your reports Toks

    My 2 Race Reports:

    Chertsey, Dropped lap two after caught over-slowing down when at the back and a big screech of brakes happened it front of me, sprinted like crazy (for me) but couldn't get back on, cycled round with some other dropped people that I kept catching. Finished last officially (which was odd as I saw people behind me still ... but it doesn't matter!)

    Chertsey, 1 week later, Used the Cervelo rather than the Giant, stayed in the bunch all the way, on the last hill got stuck behind 3 guys who all completely died at the top, as everyone came around either side of me dropped from 15th to 40th, couldn't then be motivated as I'd achieved the goal of finishing in the group and rolled in at the back of the group, again finished last in the official results...

    I can only get better. At least I hope I can.

    I guess I can only improve... Well I can't do much worse.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Cool thanks. I got dropped at Hog Hill (Redbridge Cycle Centre) in my first race of the season - its no biggy!
    As a skinny non sprinter my first few races tend to follow the pattern below. I'm on number 4 at the moment, :D

    1. Dropped or close to being dropped
    2. A bunch finish
    3. A bunch finish with a few ventures off the front
    4. Get into a breakaway or two and finish with the bunch
    5. Get into a significant breakaway and place
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Saturday: Surrey League London Fire Brigade CC. 2/3 race and first time on road with cat 2s as only just promoted to cat 3. Bit of a surprise, not obvious who was 2 and who 3. Nice course, made a break midway to see if got any company but no joy. Break did make it away but I missed (3 made it to end, well done to them). Stuck with bunch but finish screwed up by oncoming car causing emergency avoidance so finished in bunch.

    Sunday: Peter Young Memorial, 87 miles Distance looked to make this my sort of event. E123 so another step up in terms of quality. Sign on to find 3s few and far between decide to ride just to finish with group. Note one team has only Elite riders so reckon if see one of these will follow. Works well up to last long lap before finishing circuit. On climb track rider only to notice he's slowing. By time work out he's stopping lose group. Make it back but knackered and next acceleration lose touch. Plan to continue to end but since last lap marshals all gone so miss turn and get lost. Still find finish in time to watch last few laps. Great race, highly recommended, plan to return next year with goal of top 20.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Are you in a club?
  • Had a harsh start. Just started my first season, and all of my races have been up to Elite standard, so it was always going to be a shock to the system. Trained hard all winter however so feeling stronger than ever. My first race I got shelved on the last lap due to poor positioning. My second race (the Eddie Soens) was hard. Got stuck in the back bunch when the group split and subsequently got caught on the second from last lap. Third race finished comfortably in the group, despite smashing the course record I felt comfortable. Most recent race I came in a chasing group of about 10 a minute down on the winners. Looked around me on the last lap and realised I was with lads who in the first race i'd had to watch buggering off the road powerless to follow them.

    Hopefully it's all coming together anyway. Doing a 2/3/4 cat race this sunday so hoping to place. As a club mate of mine said I was only a minute down on some of the best lads in country, so I was very pleased with that.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Toks wrote:
    Are you in a club?

    Me? If so then yes Newbury RC.
    Martin S. Newbury RC
  • terongi
    terongi Posts: 318
    Toks wrote:
    Cool thanks. I got dropped at Hog Hill (Redbridge Cycle Centre) in my first race of the season - its no biggy!
    As a skinny non sprinter ...

    Doesn't being a skiny non-sprinter help at Hog Hill? I thought it was more of a climber's course.

    I am hoping to race at Hog Hill next month on Thursday evenings.
  • celbianchi
    celbianchi Posts: 854
    Toks wrote:
    Cool thanks. I got dropped at Hog Hill (Redbridge Cycle Centre) in my first race of the season - its no biggy!
    As a skinny non sprinter my first few races tend to follow the pattern below. I'm on number 4 at the moment, :D

    1. Dropped or close to being dropped
    2. A bunch finish
    3. A bunch finish with a few ventures off the front
    4. Get into a breakaway or two and finish with the bunch
    5. Get into a significant breakaway and place

    Toks - that is pretty much how my season develops too :lol: . i have my first race of this season on Sunday, and if past years are anything to go by then I'd expect 1. to be my outcome. done a couple of TT's but not the same as the first RR for reminding your body what pain is all about. I skip the early March races so join in when most others have a month under their belt, I don't fret about the first couple as i get back to speed.

    All those flying in March have hung their wheels up by July anyhow!
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    First race of the season - E1234 - flat circuit - group of us went off - pace high - headwind on the back straight, otherwise good weather - other higher cats slowly joined - eventually, very large group (basically everyone) all together after 8 or 9 laps or so - got dropped eventually (through chronic injury/instability/pain) - wasn't particularly pleased in that respect - the knee's going to have to be strapped up firmer for the next one (ends up crushing the muscle tissue though - not an easy balance....).
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    terongi wrote:
    Doesn't being a skiny non-sprinter help at Hog Hill? I thought it was more of a climber's course.
    Well being skinny doesn't go against you but the climb isn't really long enough to make light weights like myself really stick it to the beefy dudes. Ultimately success at Hog Hill is about sustainable power. The more you have the better you'll do.
  • acorn_user
    acorn_user Posts: 1,137
    Did this race two weeks ago:
    The RR featured a one 7 mile climb and one 2.5 mile climb per lap. I'm not really on top pace for the collegiate B category, so I got gapped on the steepest part of the first climb on lap one, worked with 3 or other dropped riders (two women's A and one men's B). Never quite made it. Mostly ran out of steam on lap two, getting dropped on the climbs and getting back on during the descents. Ending up bringing a friend who is a WA rider back up to the 2nd and 3rd WA riders on the road, fuelled by her ClifShot, then blew up for good. Great ride for me! Team mates came in 3rd and 8th. I was 12th... and scored points for the first time in two years :D

    Snagged 10th in a hilly TT and then came in 13th after doing a terrible job in the crit. Great race weekend overall though.
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    At Addiscombe CC if there's a race and one of our members is in it you'll always here about it. 8) 8) 8)

    Kerry Group Rás Mumhan 2009 ... f=4&t=9049

    Surrey League Easter 3 dayer cat 123 ... f=4&t=9028

    Surrey League Easter 3 dayer Cat 3's ... f=4&t=9029
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    acorn_user wrote:
    Ending up bringing a friend who is a WA rider back up to the 2nd and 3rd WA riders on the road, fuelled by her ClifShot, then blew up for good. Great ride for me! Team mates came in 3rd and 8th. I was 12th... and scored points for the first time in two years :D

    Snagged 10th in a hilly TT and then came in 13th after doing a terrible job in the crit. Great race weekend overall though.
    Hey nice work, I hope you finish on the podium before the season is over 8)
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Chillam South East Road Racing League - 2,3,4 cats ... f=4&t=9078
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Race Report number 3 for me, as you may remember, last in my previous two outings.

    Hillingdon Tuesday Night 4th cat race.

    I had no real plan going into the race, for the first 5 laps I sat top 5, doing the occasional bit of work, but not a whole lot, a couple of very weak attacks (or maybe they weren't attacks, maybe people were just moving up to the front with more of a sprint than seemed necessary?) Lap 6 or 7 up the Hill a Dynamo rider did a big dig up the hill and had over 30m on the field, I was 2nd wheel at the time, and decided to bridge up to him, unfortunately he either blew up, or decided 40m wasn't enough, and he slowed drastically.

    I then spent a lap and half pedalling around hanging off the front (partially 'cos the E123's came through whilst I was there so we were pretty neutralised) stayed top 10 for longer, bridged over again to a break with two guys in, but they stopped working pretty much as I joined them (maybe they thought I had the group with me, or maybe they just didn't like the look of me?)

    Missed the laps to go board coming out - I think 'cos I was expecting it to be where it was in the winter series which I'd watched quite a few times, and all of a sudden it was the bell, and it was the first time I'd been outside the top 10, was about 15th coming around the bottom corner, but on the chicane an all too common hillingdon crash in front of me, I just managed to avoid rolling over the downed riders head by shoulder nudging a guy wider (A yellow shirted guy, sorry if you're reading, glad you could handle a bike well unlike some in the race.)

    I rolled over the line, because of the crash still somewhere in the top 20 probably, as the people behind got even more delayed than I did.

    At least I wasn't last, but I was pretty disappointed with the race.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Wow that was a close one. You may wanna leave breakaway attempts to the last third of the race (15-20mins). If you're feeling good and the bunch a willing to let you go - get your hand on the drops and go for it - ya never know it might be your day :D

    Crystal Palace (Reports) Series 1 ... 94&start=0
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Following up quickly on my last report...

    My 4th Race, Surrey League Dunsfold 4th, I've done a big week on the bike, about double normal hours/distance 350km before today, including a race on tuesday, and a hard wednesday club ride (although only 4 out in the end, so I spent lots of time on the front working - a harder session than the race)

    It was very windy,and Dunsfold is completely flat so there's lots a strong headwind section, a fast tailwind section, and crosswinds for two other bits.

    Not surprisingly I felt really flat in todays race, I hung around in the middle of the pack for the first half, but slowly woke up a bit and moved up to the front on lap 6 (of a proposed 10) I was sitting 4th wheel, and the 1st and 2nd guys rode off into the wind with the 3rd wheel just tiring, I didn't actually want to go around, but got annoyed so I bridged over to the two basically to avoid braking. It wasn't a real break and we didn't really work (but that bridge was my peak 5s watts in the race astonishingly)

    On lap 8, I was again sitting 3rd wheel, when a half hearted (I thought) attack came through, which I reacted to mainly to hold my position, a shout from behind that we were away changed that and it turned out there was a group of 5 now about 30m off the front, and about to head into the headwind section where the group had been completely unwilling to do any work all day. Unfortunately the two guys on the front then proceeded to accellerate side by side into the wind and it was clear there was little chance of the break actually doing anything with guys who didn't get the importance of getting a paceline going. I mentally abandoned the attempt along with the guy behind who called that we were away, and there was no chance to actually pull through for a turn.

    I led the pack around for a lap, and when crossing the start finish line noted there was no bell... however the rest of the group convinced themselves it was the last lap, this led to a big pick up in speed and I was trying to decide the likelyhood of it being the last lap, I fought a bit to hold position, but not too much, and had slipped to 15th or so and boxed in on the corner before the start/finish straight. Everyone was sprinting, and I joined in until I heard the bell ringing - I crossed the line somewhere in the top 25 but all the people who sprinted all out were blown up / slowing so I quickly weaved through to the front, 2nd wheel, but he sooned peeled off and I led the entire pack through the headwind.

    I now had the problem of people coming past me and boxing me in, to prevent this I matched speed with everyone coming through, which meant I spent almost all of the last lap into the wind. Just before the final corner, 2 Redhill guys came through and it had finally stretched out enough that I could slot onto a wheel.

    I was about 10th going into the final corner, mucked up my sprint as usual (I need to remember to gear down, when I've been chasing for position I end up pedalling at at least 120rpm and I just aren't able to get a proper sprint from this position, I just manage to wind it up to 140+ but not putting in lots of power) but I think I squeaked into the top 10 for my first point.

    Again reasonably disappointed with the race, but glad I felt better after the first half, and glad that I could pick up a point or two (if I indeed did) in a race done in a hard training week, makes me think I should be able to pick up some more, and hopefully find a race with people who can get a break going.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Good positioning on the last corner.
  • jimycooper
    jimycooper Posts: 740
    first serious race of the season yesterday, and it was the regional youth track championships at preston park. being a first year under 16 main goal was to keep with the pack.

    first came the 2 lap TT, not a great start to it... pulled my wheel over :oops: infront of the main stand :oops: but was allowed to re-start. did a 1:46 in the end, which isnt too bad for me.

    then came the pionts race and saying it was a bit hairy would be an understatment! god knows how know-one came off. went ok and stayed with group till the last sprint, because some little idiot tangled his bars with me. honestly dont know how i stayed up.

    then the devil and my worst race out of the whole thing! its horrible! i started on the second row out of 5 on the outside, perfect position? but after the first lap got squeezed out to the back :cry: not because of the pace though. and when it came to the sprint for the line i had no-where to go. in a desperate attempt to stay in it tried to squeze in a gap that was far to small, it resulted in bouncing of somone and not going to be tried again.

    then the kieran and i had a realistic chance of winning me heat because i was the second fastest qualifier from the TT. but with about 250 metres to go i was 5th back out of 8 and seriously boxed in. had to push my friend out the way to get past ans got 4th in my heat.

    then it was the scratch, last race of the day and goal was to finish with the group.
    felt very good and i made a small breakaway that was pretty much handed to me, but it wasnt to be :cry: i had about 50 metrest and they had let me go when one of the hence 6'5 contenders(im 5'3 and scrawny) chased me down, and ovcourse the group followed.
    it finished in a spring and i got 12th out of the 30 or so guys which did me fine.

    next in the series is portsmouth next weekend. wish me luck...
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Good work guys 8)
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    A quick report this time - as I'm doing so many races :)

    Hillingdon Tuesday Evening 4th cats race. It was freezing! I completely misjudged the clothes and was frozen on the start line. Fell asleep on what was quite a fast lap and at the end of had drifted to the very back of the pack, then there was a big attack and half the group were off ahead 40m gap. I bridged up to them, with another guy - shared the work which was nice, but it was still 50seconds at 500watts which is not far off my what I can hold for a minute all out. So a tough start

    It warmed me a up a bit though, and it set the tone for the entire race. Attack, Attack, Attack, about 8 of us were all both keen to get away, and keen to ensure no-one else got away, so an incredibly strung out pack and lots of speed. I was in lots of half breaks, with different combinations of the 8, and whenever the pace was slow up the hill I attacked up it, to at least keep the pace high.

    All the attacking not surprisingly had chased any sort of sprint out of me at the end, and I rolled over the line somewhere around 15th place, surprisingly though, few people passed me up the hill, despite what was a very poor effort sprinting by me.

    Definately the hardest effort race I've done, and all the more fun for it - and at least I kept warm.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    Nice one Jim. So what have you got to do to get a podium finish then? :wink:
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Toks wrote:
    Nice one Jim. So what have you got to do to get a podium finish then? :wink:

    Hmm, I think if I could mobilise some teammates, to cause carnage on the roads around Hillingdon on tuesday evening, I might get lucky and just 3 people make it to the start line!

    Basically I need to figure out how to get a break actually going, it was clear last night that 8 of us were strong, and eager to get away, if we'd actually gone at all synchronised we'd've easily got away from the bunch. There was very little chance to really talk to anyone yesterday, mostly I was either recovering from a hard interval, or having to do another one.

    Maybe not racing every couple of days would help too.

    Mostly though I'm enjoying getting some experience of racing. Contemplating the 2/3/4 road race in Bedford on monday, but a bit frightened of a hilly 2 hour road race compared to all the little circuit stuff I've been doing!
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Jim
    I no expert but if if all the breaks were half attempts it sounds like you were chasing each other down early and pulling the pack back. I 've experienced the same thing
    Ask yourself these questions
    Did you work as hard on making your own 1st break attempt as when you closed the gap earlier(almost at your max and for 45 secs). if not ask yourself why.
    Did you react immediately to every jump off the front or did you wait for a bridgable gap to form and then go.
    When you went hard up the Hill did you attack again over the top.Again why not

    A group of clubmates and myself messed up in a league race lst week and the club coach asked us these.They get you thinking
    Go neiri on bothar leat.
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Did you work as hard on making your own 1st break attempt as when you closed the gap earlier(almost at your max and for 45 secs). if not ask yourself why.

    Yep, my first break attempt was 1 minute 40 at 450 watts with the jump being the first 10 seconds of that averaging 750 watts max 1148, just about a bigger effort than the first bridge. So I was pretty committed there, I did stop earlier than I could've when I saw no-one was coming to join me, they were just chasing the group up. Even if I got away I didn't want to be away alone with still at least 25 minutes to go.
    Did you react immediately to every jump off the front or did you wait for a bridgable gap to form and then go.

    I never reacted immediately unless I could get directly on a wheel, but as the evening wore on, what I thought a bridgeable gap did become less and less :) and my jumps were getting worse - peaking at more like 850 watts but still managing 30-50 seconds over the 500 watts.

    I definately like having the power meter to have all this info in black and white (well colours actually) my geekiness really shines through.

    Thanks for the questions! I should probably spend some time training rather than racing all the time, but I'm enjoying making mistakes and learning the tactics more than I would the training I think.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Toks
    Toks Posts: 1,143
    jibberjim wrote:

    Hmm, I think if I could mobilise some teammates, to cause carnage on the roads around Hillingdon on tuesday evening, I might get lucky and just 3 people make it to the start line!

    Basically I need to figure out how to get a break actually going, it was clear last night that 8 of us were strong, and eager to get away, if we'd actually gone at all synchronised we'd've easily got away from the bunch. There was very little chance to really talk to anyone yesterday, mostly I was either recovering from a hard interval, or having to do another one.
    Yeah its not easy. Being a skinny non sprinter I manager to win a 3rd cat race (without team mates) at Goodwood last year by using my very loud teachers' voice. A small group of 3 of us had a gap. I shouted, "common guys work together we're getting away"...Then 5 other bridged across and before they could stuff up the rythm by surging or attacking i shouted, "two lines, through an off and gesticulated wildly with my hands". Two guys got dropped a lap later and I congratulated everyone by saying "keep working top 6 guaranteed". We all continued to work evenly together and I jumped away with a lap to go. Of course it won't always work :wink:
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    jibberjim wrote:
    Contemplating the 2/3/4 road race in Bedford on monday, but a bit frightened of a hilly 2 hour road race compared to all the little circuit stuff I've been doing!
    I'm doing this one - looks like a few fast 2nd cats on the start sheet so I shall be hoping to make the finish. The circuit is not super hard, couple of draggy climbs is all, but if (when) it all kicks off, I shall no doubt be hanging off the back breathing out of my Assos. Say "Hi" if you see me there :wink:
  • Dess1e
    Dess1e Posts: 239
    Bronzie wrote:
    jibberjim wrote:
    Contemplating the 2/3/4 road race in Bedford on monday, but a bit frightened of a hilly 2 hour road race compared to all the little circuit stuff I've been doing!
    I'm doing this one - looks like a few fast 2nd cats on the start sheet so I shall be hoping to make the finish. The circuit is not super hard, couple of draggy climbs is all, but if (when) it all kicks off, I shall no doubt be hanging off the back breathing out of my Assos. Say "Hi" if you see me there :wink:

    Thinking of riding this too, if I can get a pass out.
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Dess1e wrote:
    Bronzie wrote:
    jibberjim wrote:
    Contemplating the 2/3/4 road race in Bedford on monday, but a bit frightened of a hilly 2 hour road race compared to all the little circuit stuff I've been doing!
    I'm doing this one - looks like a few fast 2nd cats on the start sheet so I shall be hoping to make the finish. The circuit is not super hard, couple of draggy climbs is all, but if (when) it all kicks off, I shall no doubt be hanging off the back breathing out of my Assos. Say "Hi" if you see me there :wink:

    Thinking of riding this too, if I can get a pass out.

    I've not signed up, but if there's entries on the day I may well do it if I'm feeling good. I'm there anyway for the womens series, and will be riding around the area if nothing else :)
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    If either of you do decide to ride, be aware that it's not at the Millbrook test track as advertised but on the Astwood-North Crawley circuit (4 laps/45 miles). HQ at Cranfield Uni MK43 0BL - 11.30 start.