Riding when you're recovering from a Cold

dg74 Posts: 656
edited April 2009 in Road beginners
Ok, Ok, it was a PROPER cold, not a sniffle or owt like that. I'm talking horrible gunk in my throat, nose, coughing up mucus, etc, etc.

But today is going to be gorgeous in Newcastle that it seems such a waste if I don't ride. Hell, I'm only talking a gentle ride out - maybe ten miles in the sun.

I take it plenty of fluids will be needed?


  • ShaunL
    ShaunL Posts: 91
    I would say try not to get any chill at all on your chest if you are still recovering. Wear a gillett or something like that to protect you from wind chill.

    You'll probably "process" a lot of mucus along the ride too.

  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    I find riding a great way to rid of any mucus, and it seems to speed up recovery too.

    Agree on plenty of liquid, and keep warm, or at least protected from the wind.
  • will3
    will3 Posts: 2,173
    Personally I find it clears my airways nicely. I'd always rather be out in fresh air than stuck indoors with a cold.
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    If your asking this question - I reckon your well enough to ride.

    I remember on the day my new bike arrived - I was so damm ill - that I couldn't even be bothered to get it out of the box ! - even though it took me a couple of years to save up for it !

    Would take it easy though - to many deep breaths may make it worse !
  • dg74
    dg74 Posts: 656
    Ok so I did it. Was canny. Only 12 miles today though. Slight embarrassing mishap at traffic lights (nowt like the "Going to the Toilet" thread elsewhere tho).