what have I done wrong..? (CLEATS)

webbhost Posts: 470
edited April 2009 in Road beginners
Hi all,

I bought some new cleats for my shoes as the old ones weer - in a word... knackered

So I have fitted the first new cleat and went to test it.... but.. it doesnt fit????

Can someone please tell me what on earth I am doing wrong? These are universal SPD (Pro bike kit.com) cleats .... but no matter how hard i push on the pedal - it wont clip in. and im scared if it does it'll be stuck in that tight it aint coming back out again.

Pic below..



  • synchronicity
    synchronicity Posts: 1,415
    Yes, you bought SPD-SL cleats all right.

    But you actually have Look Keo pedals. Or Possibly they could be Look Delta pedals you are using.

    Read these twos article for more info about shoes / cleats / pedals:

    http://tenerife-training.net/Tenerife-N ... ity-guide/

    http://www.tenerife-training.net/Teneri ... eview/485/
  • Mister W
    Mister W Posts: 791
    It's difficult to say for certain as the old cleat is so worn but the old ones look like Look cleats, not SPD/SL.

    If I'm wrong and you have got the correct cleats, try backing off the tension on the pedals as much as you can. Then with the bike stationary (on a trainer or against a wall) put the nose of the cleat into the pedal and push the back down to clip in. Then twist to make sure you can clip out.
  • webbhost
    webbhost Posts: 470
    the actual shoes theself say SPDSL - but im guessing that doesn't necceserily mean that the pedals / cleats stuck to them are too.... I'll take a look at the links provided, maybe I can make a correct purchase next time!!

    I found what im after now on PBK.. im such a donkey lol.

    Anyone fancy some SPD-SL cleats? Olbviously brand new, will send them for £10 (including shipping cost) ONO. PM me if interested.

    P.S. Thanks peeps.
  • Infamous
    Infamous Posts: 1,130
    webbhost wrote:
    .....These are universal SPD (Pro bike kit.com) cleats ....
    well, if by "universal" you mean "only fits SPD SL pedals" then yes, they're universal.
  • webbhost
    webbhost Posts: 470
    lol, I think I had misread the information.. hence why im a donkey!!!
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    You have got the wrong new cleats as you have found out, the old cleats are look keos, see here http://www.jejamescycles.co.uk/id35246.html and see here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Look-Keo-Grey-Road-Cycling-Cleats-RRP-%A314.99_W0QQitemZ280322708562QQcmdZViewItem

    by the way you can buy covers to pop on over your cleats to protect them when you walk...as they will become knackered if walked with on tarmac/ gravel.

    I found a shop in Mallorca that did these cleats for 8 Euros (recent cycling holiday(, not sure why they are edging £15 a set (for two) most places here now... must be rip off Britain thing again!!!
  • stevewj
    stevewj Posts: 227
    The old ones look like they were (just about - knackered - yeah !!!!!!!!) Look reds. The new ones are a different design (I believe they are phasing out the old style in favour of the Keo type) and won't fit the old pedals.
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    I am not certain but the old cleat looks like a Look Delta. What model pedal are you using. If you can not identify them please put a pic on here.
    The SPD-SL ones you bought are the non floating ones with red pontoons. The float ones are yellow.
  • System_1
    System_1 Posts: 513
    John.T wrote:
    I am not certain but the old cleat looks like a Look Delta.

    Nope they are almost definitely Keos. They're clearly quite small, but more importantly they're grey which are what you get as standard with Keo pedals. Deltas never came in grey, only red and black.