The Polkadot - "Spud Riley" Gran Fondo preparation


Okay...having completed the 66 mile version of the Cheshire Cat and now gone through and reflected on that is time for me to start looking forwards to the next event I have entered.

The Polkadot - Spud Riley entrant list is now full (last year they had 499, so I'm assuming a similar number this year), and the route / profile is available here:

I just thought I'd start a thread so we could try to get a similar sense of comaraderie as there was on the Cheshire Cat.


  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    I'm in, doing the full thing. I've done the short course a few times in the last couple of months - sort of - I live in Macc so I ride out to Adlington, pick it up from there, then when I get back to Rainow I head for home.

    Once I've got the Lakeland Loop out of the way I'll do the full Spud route once and also the old Polka Dot route and that'll be the extent of my training for it. Mind you I do most of my road riding on the hilly side of Macc so I know them thar hills quite well. The one out of Crowdecote's a little treat isn't it?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Hey sportbilly (I thought your name was billy!) I'm doing the polka dot too - fancy doing a training ride beforehand in the same way we did the Cat? I've got a lot on from mid may onwards but perhaps early in May? What do you think?

    I'm so glad that we were able to do that climb in Macc Forest before the Cat - that was such a bonus on Sunday to know that it was just about within my capability to get up the thing.

    I've never ridden the polka dot or spud riley before - what's the organisation like? Good food stops? I was so spoilt on the exmoor beast with that delicious soup and bread, flapjack & bacon butty - everything else is a disappointment after that :)
  • Popette,

    I am either looking to do a recce of this on either 26th April or on the 24th May (I have my final accountancy exam on the 21st May) and so college robs me of several weekends until then :(

    Looking at the profile there seem to be quite a few short sharp hills (there are 16 category climbs on the whole 100 mile route) which I could do with practising....although with a manchester start it would be quite a day in the saddle...maybe a Macc start / finish & I'll enjoy Virgin's hospitality on the way there & back?? :?

    the climb up to the Cat is fine...just a long drag and it should be good training for your Etape ride (just imagine it with 1500 mtrs on top :) )

    As this is my first year cycling, the Cheshire Cat was my first one and so I will be comparing everything against that...

    On monikers - mine was my nickname at school as a result of my fondness of playing in the team for anything involving a ball, what about yours?
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Chances are I'll do riding it myself on April 26th. I'll be going from Macc, missing out the very start/end but getting all the good stuff in. You'd be very welcome to join me as long as you don't mind a glacial pace up the hills. Going via the train station would add a whole mile onto my route.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089

    I am either looking to do a recce of this on either 26th April or on the 24th May (I have my final accountancy exam on the 21st May) and so college robs me of several weekends until then :(

    Looking at the profile there seem to be quite a few short sharp hills (there are 16 category climbs on the whole 100 mile route) which I could do with practising....although with a manchester start it would be quite a day in the saddle...maybe a Macc start / finish & I'll enjoy Virgin's hospitality on the way there & back?? :?

    the climb up to the Cat is fine...just a long drag and it should be good training for your Etape ride (just imagine it with 1500 mtrs on top :) )

    As this is my first year cycling, the Cheshire Cat was my first one and so I will be comparing everything against that...

    On monikers - mine was my nickname at school as a result of my fondness of playing in the team for anything involving a ball, what about yours?

    I'm doing the Brian Robinson Challenge on the 26th April and 24th May is City's last home game so I'll be housebound. I think I'll try to do different bits of the route on my Wednesday rides over the next few weeks.

    Popplewell is my surname so just came up with a daft name from that :oops:

    Good luck with all your studying & exams.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    I'm in for the 100 miler..................just come on my clubruns, always plenty of climbing on them!
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • This will be my very first sportive. I recced part of the route by car the other day and now I am seriously worried. Cattle grids, a ford, riding with others, hills, wind (the weather type) etc.

    I plan to ride the 'bottom' loop of the route a few times in the next month and hopefully I can find my way around the 'top part' of the route a few times and then do the whole route a few times before the event.

    I will find it a huge mental boost if I know I can actually get up the hills and would be happy to join any pre event rides, although I must admit I ride at a steady pace on the flat and just plod up the hills.
  • tim000
    tim000 Posts: 718
    hi, not doing the polka dot event but would be up for the training ride if you,re doing one.
  • Steve70
    Steve70 Posts: 5
    This is my first Spud and I'm riding it solo, my first part recce next week (2nd May) if anyone fancies it - I intend to do the half course (I think that was the old Polka Dot), starting around 7am and the full thing a week or two later. At least I'll know how much work I'll have to do in the next month! :?
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Steve - how did you get on with your recce?

    I'll prob be out on the course myself on Saturday (starting from Macc)
  • Anyone fancy meeting up for a recce in the next few weeks? I have done parts of the route but would like to get a few more rides in before the event.

    Being my first Sportive any advice on potential dangers/problems on the route would be much appreciated.
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Well I was out on the course yesterday and got drenched!

    I'd been watching the weather info all day and knew that once the main rain band had been over there was a 'chance' of showers. Got to the top of Pym Chair and the heaven's opened. By the time we got to the Allgreave turning it was still raining and not looking like stopping so we bolted back to Macc along Wildboarclough instead.

    Still not done the full course and not around next weekend.
  • Well I'm fairly okay with most of the top half of the course, as it has been covered either on the cheshire Cat or various club runs...

    it is the loop south from Crowdecote which I am not too sure on....

    Unfortunately I am not free this coming weekend, although I might try and get down there the w'end after...but it is a fair trek to get to the "start" of the run... :?

    Ant - what are your plans for the day...I have been ina a bit of training and will aim to keep up with you on the hills if thats ok... :)

    ...mind you on a 39-26 I'm not so sure my legs will keep up!! :shock:
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    not sure if its 54 or 100 for me , will see on the day . Im also riding with a friend who's steadfast in his position of not training for hills with the logic " if i dont know how hard it will be it wont be put me off before i start " .... never having ridden the circuit i dont know if i should admire his pragmatic viewpoint or despair at sheer lunacy....

    and i bet it'll be lashing it down ! for good measure !

    im actually really looking forward to it .............or am i mad as well ?!?!

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • pabloweaver
    pabloweaver Posts: 444
    Being my first Sportive any advice on potential dangers/problems on the route would be much appreciated.[/quote]

    +1 on this please , any tips and hints appreciated


    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Out of interest - does anyone have (or know of) an entry for this they're not going to use? (assuming they're transferable)

    My brother's decided he wants to do it - the 54.

    I won't be making any heroic efforts to get him a place, given that I asked him at leats 5 times while entries were available. But if anyone does have an unwanted entry, you can at least get your money back (or a donation to charity).
  • I have done the bottom 'south east' loop of the course again today from Longnor via Hartington, Onecote, Thorpe, Tissington, Youlgreave, Monyash, so know that part quite well now. I have never done the 'north west' part of the route so may well just do the short route on the day as I have never ridden it before.

    Was quite a nice day today apart from a viscious headwind at one point. Average speed was only 13 mph so that will be about 8 hours in the saddle on the day if I do the whole route.
  • Saintjohn
    Saintjohn Posts: 2
    @pabloweaver Only done the short version: no real problems at all, generally an excellent route with the ascents being long and draggy rather than supersteep. The descent from Windgather down to the Goyt valley is quite steep and fast and the descent to Lamaload reservoir near the end can catch out tired riders - it must be over 20% at the bottom with a tight bend, needs care. The sharp little hill through Crowdecote up to the first feed is, I think the steepest climb, but it's not too long.

    I'm doing the long one this year, hope the weather is great.
    John's Ironman UK blog
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Damn! I always find out about these sportives when it's too late to enter!

    I must do one at some point, they sound like fun...
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    Ant - what are your plans for the day...I have been ina a bit of training and will aim to keep up with you on the hills if thats ok... :)

    not sure yet, probably just get there early to set off with one of the first groups. Probably meet some other wheelers too. Want to try and get round in under 6 hours, not sure if I will or not tho! :)
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    btw there's a good clubrun next sunday that'll be good training for this, hilly 80 miles.
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Did the 54 again today and really enjoyed it.
    I didn't have time to do the full 100 today and haven't done it yet. I'll just have to wing it on the day.

    Felt good today though. At least one gear higher on most of the climbs.
  • ant,

    will be on the club run this sunday...

    my aim is also 6 hours...fingers crossed for a nice warm sunny day with no wind :D
  • Captain Fagor
    Captain Fagor Posts: 739
    a_n_t wrote:
    Want to try and get round in under 6 hours, not sure if I will or not tho! :)
    ant, my aim is also 6 hours...fingers crossed for a nice warm sunny day with no wind :D

    Spud Riley winning times:
    2006: 6hrs 14 mins (atrocious weather, Dave Lloyd at 6hrs 47mins)
    2007: 5hrs 53mins
    2008: 6hrs 04 mins (Dave Lloyd at 6hrs 14mins)

    Presuming you're on about the event itself, and not a training run, then unless you're in the top 5% of sportive riders, I'd suggest you both reconsider. Usually only about 15-20% of the finishing riders break 7 hours on this route.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    I'd suggest you both reconsider.

    I've reconsidered :lol:
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • mmm well there is nothing like a healthy target to go at... :)
  • Had another ride around the bottom (South Eastern) part of the circuit again yesterday and thought it best to warn others who haven't ridden this part that the route between Elton and Youlgreave is very narrow in placed with grass growing down the middle of the road. There is also lots of gravel on both the ascent and descent.

    I have now ridden this loop of the route many times so I think I will only do the short route next week, as I have never done that part.

    Can anyone offer any comments about the short route? All I know about is the hill at Crowdecote which I have ridden a few times.

    As this is my first Sportive and I don't know that part of the route,do the organisers issue us with a map/directions or do people rely on signs/following others? The map that is downloadable from the Polkadot site doesn't give much detail at all.
    I also want to work out where the last hill is so that I can pace myself accordingly.

    I hope the weather stays hot an sunny for next weekend.
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    I also want to work out where the last hill is so that I can pace myself accordingly.

    I hope the weather stays hot an sunny for next weekend.

    The last hill of any consequence is Ewrin Lane, Rainow (Dead Man's Hill).

    Personally I hope it cools down considerably (but doesn't rain)