5 Castles Sportive

Is anyone doing the 5 Castles Sportive on Sunday 19th April ?

http://www.cyclosport.org/eventdetails. ... entid=2266

I'm considering doing the 3 Castles option which is 82.5 miles. (If my missus allows me the time off ! )


  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    I'm trying to talk Mr P into doing it while I stay at home with the kids. It looks a nice ride doesn't it?

    You've got the bug now LPR - going sportive crazy!!
  • popette wrote:
    I'm trying to talk Mr P into doing it while I stay at home with the kids. It looks a nice ride doesn't it?

    You've got the bug now LPR - going sportive crazy!!

    Yes, I have got the bug now ! I'm now thinking up ways of possibly improving my bike - but first, a spot of training is needed.

    I know the course of the Castles ride very well indeed; I live about 5 miles from Whittington Castle. It is held on quiet roads and the scenery is the equal (in my opinion) of anything on the Cheshire Cat.

    Fortunately, there is a little in the way of hills. A few steep banks, but nothing to worry about. I'm sure that Mr P would really enjoy it.

    You'd stay at home with the kids ? Shouldn't you be giving your support ? There are dozens of great places where you could easily see the cyclists. Whittington Castle is great for kids; they can feed the ducks and run around, my four year old loves it there.

    see http://www.whittingtoncastle.co.uk/

    What outings have you got lined up Popette ? I notice that Howie is doing the Lakeland Loop - that looks one mean ride.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Thanks for the tip LPR - if it's a nice day, that's something that we could definitely do.

    My next sportive is the Brian Robinson Challenge, then I've got the Etape Caledonia, the Bike Radar Sportive, The Polka Dot Challenge, the White Rose Challenge and then the biggy - The Etape!. Following that I quite like the look of the Pendal Peddle, the Wild Wales Challenge, the Autumn Epic and the Exmoor Beast. I'm addicted too
