Lakeland Loop anyone?

Higs Posts: 105
Anyone else looking forward to this one?

I never did get up to the Lakes to practice on Hardknott and Wrynose.
I've been off the bike (and running, gym etc) for a fortnight after a minor op.
I've got a 28T cassette but haven't fitted it and don't know if it will work with my (reasonably new) chain.
I've never done a Sportive before.

But apart from the above I'm quite looking forward to it.


  • Ed_Bear
    Ed_Bear Posts: 5
    I am doing this too. Hardknott was a shock to my sytem last year.

    I'm hoping to fair better as I got cramp in both legs halfway up! :shock:

    I was making reasonable progress on 34/25 combo. Are you running a 34 or 39 on the front Higs? It is a great ride with awesome scenery.

    My advice would be to go easy on the descents of Hardknott and Wrynose if you've not done them before as they are so steep and quite bumpy.
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    34 on the front.

    I'm not too worried about the downs - I'm a mountainbiker really so don't mind a bit of steep and bumpy!
  • NUFCrichard
    NUFCrichard Posts: 103
    I'll be there... not really looking forward to Hardknott to be honest, no matter how tired I am or how steep it is I don't like getting off and pushing, but that seems like a pipe dream even with my 34/27!
  • Me.
    I will be there again.

    I am not sure if not knowing what to expect was a benefit last year, this year i know i should be OK with Red Bank, and Whinlatter, but Hardknott and Wrynose will be wlaked. And the last leittle beast towards the end should kill off any ambition of a good time.
    I hope to get back before the time keeper clears off at 5pm this year.

    Its a toughie but great scenery.
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • pugwashcp
    pugwashcp Posts: 120
    I'm in. :D

    Hoping to have my summer bike ready (weather permitting) for this one. Rode the long route of the Cheshire Cat on my winter bike and it was HARD work!!

    I have memories of tackling Hardknott and Wrynose in my younger days when gear ratios and sportives were completely foreign to me and it was just about riding my bike in the Lakes and heading down side roads 'just to see where they go'

    I made the move to mountain bikes in the early nineties and haven't ridden on the roads up there since....can't wait.

    But I have to admit to taking a little bit of the mountain bike back onto the road with me. My bike has nine speed Dura-ace on it and I discovered last year that if I put an MTB cassette and mech on the back it works a my bottom gear will be 34-34 :D:D:D

    If I don't get up those hills now I'm going to look a proper charlie with tha set-up. :(
    He who dies with the most toys wins!
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Well I bunged the 28T cassette on last night. On the workstand, it all seems to be working OK. I'll take it out for a spin this evening just to check everything's OK.
  • Yorkman
    Yorkman Posts: 290
    I completely forgot to enter and it's now full.

    If anyone knows of a spare palce, please let me know soonest!

  • davidmiller
    davidmiller Posts: 320

    I have a place in this event I'm not going to use. I also have a bed paid for in ambleside YH for the saturday - if your interested pm me.

  • Yorkman
    Yorkman Posts: 290

    I have a place in this event I'm not going to use. I also have a bed paid for in ambleside YH for the saturday - if your interested pm me.


    Cheers, but I'm sorted now.

    And I'll drive over, hopefully remembering not to smile on the way at the flashing camera last year which cost me £60 and 3 points.
  • davidmiller
    davidmiller Posts: 320
    Anybody else interested????
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    i am sooooooo interested but Man City are playing at home on that day and I just haven't got the balls to ask :)
  • ru--
    ru-- Posts: 27
    I'll be there and am looking forward to it! Although I'm slightly nervous at the prospect of tackling Hardknott for the first time...

    On the off chance, if anyone else is heading up from Leeds, I'd be more than happy to pay a few quid for a lift. It'd save me the cost of a hire car for the day...
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    I can't do it this year, bloody chest infection grrrrrrr - but it's one of my faves, the route and the scenery and of course the bastard hills. A great run. Nothing to do with the fact that it's organised by coach....
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    popette wrote:
    i am sooooooo interested but Man City are playing at home on that day and I just haven't got the balls to ask :)

    Don't ask.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    pugwashcp wrote:
    I'm in. :D

    Hoping to have my summer bike ready (weather permitting) for this one. Rode the long route of the Cheshire Cat on my winter bike and it was HARD work!!

    I have memories of tackling Hardknott and Wrynose in my younger days when gear ratios and sportives were completely foreign to me and it was just about riding my bike in the Lakes and heading down side roads 'just to see where they go'

    I made the move to mountain bikes in the early nineties and haven't ridden on the roads up there since....can't wait.

    But I have to admit to taking a little bit of the mountain bike back onto the road with me. My bike has nine speed Dura-ace on it and I discovered last year that if I put an MTB cassette and mech on the back it works a my bottom gear will be 34-34 :D:D:D

    If I don't get up those hills now I'm going to look a proper charlie with tha set-up. :(

    I did that too although it`s only 32t on the back and it`s my winter bike now.I can`t understand why everyone doesn`t get it done, there seems to be a lot of masochists out there.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    going to struggle for web access between now and the day. If you see a big fella on a white Titus Oseo (w white helmet) say hello.

    cheers all.
  • d198594t
    d198594t Posts: 32
    I gotta place going on the LL if anyone's interested.

    Knee problems...
    Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
    - Bianchi Via Nirone 2009
    - Ribble Winter/Training + 105
    - Boardman Team Carbon 2009
  • I'm doing this again this year, trying a compact rather than last years triple, hmm, time and Hardknott will tell, if you see me has been a case of excess of ambition over ability, if not then look for my smile!
    Say hello as you come past, Angus Bike Chain top and Airborne Valkyrie, I think, depends on the weather, might be in a boat if current forecasts are near the mark?
    The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
    Oscar Wilde
  • NUFCrichard
    NUFCrichard Posts: 103
    I've been recommended to wear mtb cleats for this one (for walking up Hardknott!) is that good advice? It means I have to switch my pedals over so my mtbs are on my summer bike, seems like a bit of a faff to me...
  • My view?

    Its a bit like having an ultra low gear, if you have it you will use it, it becomes too tempting, the mind games up Hardknott are interesting to say the least. LL last year I got up with a triple, FWC I had to walk between the two hairpins, and boy did I feel shamed, but had been overtaken by someone walking when I was cycling in 30:27, and was at least able to give encouragement to those still pedalling, all is never lost, just re arrange the horizon!

    Ultimately its how determined not to walk you are and how strong and well paced your ride has been to that point.
    The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
    Oscar Wilde
  • Yorkman
    Yorkman Posts: 290
    I've been recommended to wear mtb cleats for this one (for walking up Hardknott!) is that good advice? It means I have to switch my pedals over so my mtbs are on my summer bike, seems like a bit of a faff to me...

    Take your shoes off. It's much easier.

    I had to put a foot down because of an oncoming car taking the whole width of the road and once you stop you can't get going again, it's so steep.

    I'm at Stoke the day before as well, which is not ideal prep....
  • Dog Breath
    Dog Breath Posts: 314
    Never cycled Hardknott or Wrynose, but driven over them many times, so I know precisely what they are like. Earlier today, I put my mtb cassette & rear mech on the road bike, so I may stand a better chance of getting further up those hills. Now I have 34/34 as opposed to 34/27.

    As others have said, I'm also considering tranferring my mtb pedals and wearing my mtb shoes which will be easier to walk in should the need arise.

    My main concern is not being able to take the easier line on hairpins due to the heavy bank holiday traffic that will no doubt be using the passes, and I'm also not looking forward to the descents as road bike brakes don't have the same stopping power or the abiliity to control my speed as my hydraulic discs on my mtb :cry:
    Planet-X SL Pro Carbon.
    Tifosi CK3 Winter Bike
    Planet X London Road Disc
    Planet X RT80 Elite
  • h4rsx
    h4rsx Posts: 1
    d198594t and Davidmiller,

    I've emailed you both about the place you have available for tomorrow. I would like to buy a ticket from any one of you, provided its still available.

    give me a call or email me to confirm and i can pay you with paypal or TT.


  • d198594t
    d198594t Posts: 32
    Sorry, my place has already gone.
    Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
    - Bianchi Via Nirone 2009
    - Ribble Winter/Training + 105
    - Boardman Team Carbon 2009
  • Higs
    Higs Posts: 105
    Can anyone who's done it before advise on parking?

    Plans to stop over near the Lakes have fallen through so I'm likely to be arriving towards the end of the start window. I'm just a bit worried I may struggle for parking or end up having a 5mile ride to/from the start.
  • Higs, you can park on the field for £3, or there is a hard standing car park opposite. it is pay and display so bring enough change. I forget how much it is though. There is enough parking near the event, just get there before the ramblers.

    See you there
    Just a fat bloke on a bike
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    good luck all - wish I was doing it too
  • Well what a day! Great weather and an excellent route. I came in at 5hrs 12mins by my watch so quite happy with that. I was welll on for a sub 5 hour, but blew big time on Hardknott (I am running a 39/25 though!) Think my lack of winter riding caught up with me too.

    Nevermind, there is always next year where I should have a good winter behind me!
  • Rich K47
    Rich K47 Posts: 62
    Great weather, considerate drivers on Hardknott and a woman handing out jelly beans before Wrynose [thankyou!], what more could you want. Never eating super hot chilli the night before an event ever again but 4.20 so not too bad. Hope everyone had a good day.