noise from crank area??

Hurricane151 Posts: 632
edited March 2009 in Workshop
I have noticed over the past few comutes a noiseing coming the BB area on my bike. It'd hard to describe but it is as if bearings are falling on each other as i turn the crank (hope that explains it) the noise stops as soon as I stop peddaling. I have checked the clearance on the deauralier and it is fine.

Any ideas what this might be. It doesn't seem to be afftecting the performace but it is a little bit annoying.

It doesn't always happen sometimes i can pedal and there is no noise but it is becoming louder and more often.

The bike is fairly new and has only covered 350 miles so far so I guess it shouldn't be bearings.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Not saying it isn't the BB but from my experience it SEEMS that all noises come from there.
    This is a phenomena that happens all the time to lots of people. I've had noises coming from my BB for years and it was never the BB. Always something else. Like the saddle
    squeaking in the seat post clamp(only made noise when I pedaled). Try the Park Tool
    website. They have a good "noise finder" article in there. Good luck.

    Dennis Noward
  • topdude
    topdude Posts: 1,557
    Unless the BB has come loose it is more likely to be :
    Stem / bars

    As mentioned above, everyone suspects the BB first but it is seldom the culprit :wink:
    He is not the messiah, he is a very naughty boy !!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Same thing - every pedal stroke made noise and it sounded like it was coming from the BB. Turned out to be a loose cassette - and as I pedaled - it was rattling slightly - and only stopped when I stopped pedalling.

    I've also had loose wheel bearings, loose stem, seat/seatpost, etc, etc.

    And - just for good measure - I've actually had a loose BB!

    If you suspect it's the BB - make sure it's tight and see if the noise persists. Then make sure the other possible culprits are tight also.

    Or - get the bike on a turbo trainer, lie down on the floor with your ear as close to the BB as possible and make sure the noise is actually coming from there!
  • pinkbikini
    pinkbikini Posts: 876
    Check the QR skewers too. Every time I've had a prob it has been resolved with a bit of attention to this area. Except when I had creaking chainring bolt problems!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    pinkbikini wrote:
    Check the QR skewers too. Every time I've had a prob it has been resolved with a bit of attention to this area. Except when I had creaking chainring bolt problems!

    Ah yes - I had a creaking front wheel on the weekend - but put some grease on my QR skewers - and problem sorted!