Put my summer tyres on ? Probably not this year...........

geordiefreerider Posts: 888
edited March 2009 in MTB general
Been pondering this one the past few days and have come to the conclusion im gonna leave my winters on, currently a panaracer fire fr 2.4 on the front and a nokian gazzaloddi 2.3 on the back whereas my summers are a pair of 2.1 continental speed kings I bought last year, yeah the bike rolls much faster with the contys on but you know what, I dont care ! I much prefer the feel and handling with the bigger rubber on plus its guaranteed to stop, whereas no matter how good the contys are they just cannot match them at all. I feel more confident with the bigger rubber, factor in our increasingly unpredictable weather, and the fact the bike looks more beastlier ( such a word i doubt it) and I think sod it there staying on this year ! The bikes obviously harder to keep moving but the fitter im getting the less I notice and as I do most of my riding on my own im not having to keep pace with anyone. What does everyone else think to this ??? :roll:


  • noodleman
    noodleman Posts: 852
    Been changing from my nobby nics to my super fast Hutchinson piranahs and back again for weeks now and cant be bothered any more. I'm opposite to you though as i'm keeping the summer piranahs on now as its going to be warm and dry until october. (yeah right)
    argon 18 e116 2013 Vision Metron 80
    Bianchi Oltre XR Sram Red E-tap, Fulcrum racing speed xlr
    De Rosa SK pininfarina disc
    S Works Tarmac e-tap 2017
    Rose pro sl disc
  • Ha I know im actually considering changing my mind possibly maybe :roll: - I liked my maxxis high rollers i ran a few year back - not sure yet though any reccomendations for good summer tyres ? my contys are looking a bit worse for wear now hardly worth putting them on unless for road work ?
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    I'm still on wintery tyres, they work whatever the weather. I'm not swapping to summer tyres until I trust it a bit more :)
  • Whytepeak
    Whytepeak Posts: 2,616
    Going to buy some semi slicks for a C2C trip in 2 weeks, been all the way through winter with some 1.95 tioga red dragons from 2004, they weigh less than 500g because they are so worn down. :lol:
    Now that we are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves. ROMANS 15:1
  • Stu 74
    Stu 74 Posts: 463
    I completely agree with you geordiefreerider.

    I have been riding for 2 years now and as far as I can recall, apart from a 4 week period each year (usually around May), the trails are in pretty much the same condition all the time i.e wet and muddy.

    Will be sticking to my swampthing on the front, high roller on the back combintation as I know it will grip in all conditions (even if it is a bit slower).

  • stevieboy
    stevieboy Posts: 704
    Had my summers (racing raplhs) on for 5 weeks now, can't see me swapping unless one of the NPS rounds is majorly gloopy, in which case i'll stick my other wheels shod with Fire Xc Pro's on.
    Scott Scale Custom
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    Kona Coilair 2007 Dark Peak Destroyer
    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v496/ ... C09727.jpg

    "BOCD - If it aint perfect it aint good enough"
  • Yeah well thats it then im sticking to big bad boy tyres ha ha well might swap my panaracer for something all black without a red stripe so it matches the back coz im a bit anal like that :roll:
  • deadliest
    deadliest Posts: 471
    Yeah well thats it then im sticking to big bad boy tyres ha ha well might swap my panaracer for something all black without a red stripe so it matches the back coz im a bit anal like that :roll:

    Yep me too running a Panaracer Fire FR 2.4 up front and Fire XC 2.1 Rear for that very reason.

    Does feel better and grips on the front loads more therefore inspiring confidence IMO.
    Bikes are drugs and Im pedalling

  • Yeah i know i do like the fire fr 2.4 its a beast - done quite a bit of road work but never seems to wear down - but i also like my gazzaloddi nokian 2.3 on the back ah decisions decisions eh ? Well isnt that half the fun of mountain biking - the tinkering ?? ha ha !