Cycling buddies

aircooleddude Posts: 79
edited March 2009 in Road beginners
Hi all,

I am 33 and new to road cycling. I am cycling 15 miles at a time (in one hour), but will be moving up to 20 this weekend. I am in Taunton, Somerset and am looking for people to cycle with as I don't know anybody who rides a road bike. Thanks, Matt.


  • sithebike
    sithebike Posts: 213
    Hi Matt,

    I live in Welington, where do you normally ride?
    I ride most saturday and sunday mornings and I also try and get out a couple of evenings a week.
    Give me a shout if you like

  • Hi Simon,

    Thanks for getting back - I am new to road cycling, but cycled up to the Pines cafe through Kingston St Mary from Creech St Michael yesterday which was really pleasant!! It was about an 18 mile round trip. I had a knee op last November and my main sports were tennis and surfing but I have been told that road cycling is better for my knee so I have taken it up in the last 3 weeks and love it!!! It would be really good to join you if you don't mind. I'm not cycle fit yet as I only started 3 weeks ago and according to my cycle computer did the 18 miles in one hour 20 minutes (it doesn't include stopping at lights etc). I wouldn;t want to hold you up, but if you don't mind it would be really good to tag along. Matt.
  • sithebike
    sithebike Posts: 213
    I am working this saturday morning but I will contact you about a possible ride on sunday if you like.

  • Hi there - unfortunately, I am going away for 2 weeks on Saturday, ottherwise that would be great. Could I message you when I get back and we could hook up sometime then if that's ok?
  • sithebike
    sithebike Posts: 213
    Sure no problem.
    Have a nice time away
  • Thanks very much - enjoy your ride on Sunday!