Mountain high cycles in ferryhill stole my inner tube !!

geordiefreerider Posts: 888
edited March 2009 in MTB general
On my first ride after picking my kona dawg matic up following new rear suspension bearings I picked up a puncture, when I looked closer I noticed my continental downhill tube had been replaced with a el cheapo jobby and had actually picked up 3 punctures (none in the front) the worst thing was I bought them from the same shop at about 6 quid each !! Also he never changed all the bearings - so my advice would be not to use this bike shop as you dont get what you ask/pay for !!! Is it just me or do some bike shop owners seem to get a bit funny if you come across as knowing what your talking about when it comes to bikes, it seems to me they want to appear as "gurus" and have there ego's massaged by our "ignorance" in bike tech ? Ps not all bike shops just some :wink:


  • AndyOgy
    AndyOgy Posts: 579
    I had a similar thing happen a while back. I took my Trek into a bike shop and asked to have it overhauled. I also asked for them to fit puncture resistant iner tubes.
    I then used that bike to commute a round trip of 16 miles a day and I never carried pump, tubes etc because the guy in the shop had gone on about how good these tubes were.
    Years later, I replaced the tyres on this bike. The tubes were still my original ones!!!!! There were 4 patches on each tube that I remember fitting myself years ago.
    Ok, so they never punctured but that was no thanks to the guy in the shop.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Hope you have a good lawyer to defend this libel case ?

    Do you really think that a mechanic could be ar$ed to swap innertubes ?
  • Is it just me or do some bike shop owners seem to get a bit funny if you come across as knowing what your talking about when it comes to bikes, it seems to me they want to appear as "gurus" and have there ego's massaged by our "ignorance" in bike tech ?

    Nope. Apple Bikes near me are well and truly up themselves. Hugely overpriced too.

    Action Bikes on the other hand are brilliant, would recommend the whitton shop to anybody!
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    @geordiefreerider- I suspect your tube puntured at some point while the shop were working on your bike and they simply replaced the tube. FFS, a tube!
  • cougie, no i would normally say no mechanic could be arsed to swap tubes i mean its worth nothing to him, but i failed to mention i had him replace a spoke in my back wheel at the same time, now my point is for some reason whether it had a puncture when it went in, he punctured it or what i dont know but he would of knew what he was doing when he put a cheapy one in surely, i would rather of paid for a new "quality" tube rather than have the inconvenience of changing it. I dont run any crap on my bike and he would know this just by looking at it !! Just annoying thats all I find it hard to get the level of service thats expected thats all ! :cry:
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Thing is - you cant prove your allegations - and you could easily have your ass sued off you. Friends of mine have had solicitors onto them after less contentious allegations.

    Have you taken this up with the bike shop for an explanation ? That should be your first point of call really.
  • Its not america mate, if he tried to sue me over saying he done a shoddy repair job then sorry but I wouldnt be able to stand up straight in court for laughing - b*ll*cks to him the useless t*ssp*t if he wants to sue me my names stuart mcvay and i live at 18 derwent road, bring it on............................. :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    you are within your rights to be annoyed at what looks to be poor service (re the bearings). im suprised a bike shop would dare to do a bad job with the way the industry is at the moment,

    lbs have to try very hard to compete with the proliferation of internet bargains and their real trump card is servicing, both bikes and customers (fnaar, fnaar!)

    i definately think bike shops dont like their customers to know anything about bikes, its a bit like walking in to a&e knowing you have dislocated you shoulder to be told that the diagnosis will be made by the doctor as you clearly are not the trained professional.

    that said, ive been lucky with bike shops ive dealt with, including some v helpful people at halfords!!
  • maximus69
    maximus69 Posts: 347
    cougie wrote:
    Thing is - you cant prove your allegations - and you could easily have your ass sued off you. Friends of mine have had solicitors onto them after less contentious allegations.

    Have you taken this up with the bike shop for an explanation ? That should be your first point of call really.

    ha ha, watching to much tv :wink:

    you should speak to them if your not happy though geordie, or take him to small claims :lol:
    "My life is like a porno-movie, without the sex".
  • Ha yeah, been watchin too much ironside ha ha. Im goin down on monday for a new axle, so I will mention it yeah see what he says, might be best to apply for for legal aid first lol :wink:
  • The worst thing is this has been the first time I have ever used a bike shop to have repairs done, I have been a mechanic then a engineer and have been a keen mountain biker for 20 years but due to work commitments and being busy, this time I thought sod it, stick it in the bike shop, so I didnt mind paying the money because I was paying for the "service" of having everything done without me having to worry - never again, I know there are good bike shops out there from the service I have received in the past when buying and even returning faulty/damaged goods but I havnt lived here long and went off the fact he sells nice bikes in there (orange/scott etc) so assumed he would do a good job. and trust me im not one to complain normally - honest !!!
  • maximus69
    maximus69 Posts: 347
    i had a similar thing happen to me when i got my first bike. they knew i didnt know alot and took the p1ss a bit.
    so when i bought my second bike they didnt have a chance of my buisness because i took it elsewhere, suckers!! :twisted:

    looking back i should of sued :lol:
    "My life is like a porno-movie, without the sex".
  • maximus69
    maximus69 Posts: 347
    the fact he sells nice bikes in there (orange/scott etc) so assumed he would do a good job. and trust me im not one to complain normally - honest !!!

    doesn't mean a thing. my lbs sells shite bikes, but top mechanic. : :P

    the other shop was certini :evil:
    "My life is like a porno-movie, without the sex".
  • Its a learning curve mate, thats why I love these forums so much, its ok reading mbuk once a month but you can learn so much more on here, no matter how irrelevent you think your post may be there is normally something to be learnt from it by someone - us mountain bikers need to stick together, knowledge is power !!! 1 family etc etc..............
  • maximus69
    maximus69 Posts: 347
    well now you know they could sue you, id find another lbs :lol:
    "My life is like a porno-movie, without the sex".
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    Its a bit like walking in to a&e knowing you have dislocated you shoulder to be told that the diagnosis will be made by the doctor as you clearly are not the trained professional.

    You've never met my GP then. Last time I went to see him as regards a case of dermatitis (caused by sweat and very cold weather), the conversation wnet something like this -

    Me - Hello

    Doc - Hello. You haven't been to see me for 12 years. Any reason?

    Me - I haven't been ill.

    Doc - Oh. Right then. What's the problem then?

    Me - I have this redness and itching sensation around my neck and wrists.

    Doc - What do you think it is?

    FFS! What do I think it is? Not like it was during the war, etc. etc.
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