Critical Mass ride tonight ...



  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    AndyManc wrote:
    Recent events have proven that statement to be incorrect, a massive slump in car buying world wide and yet governments have pumped billions upon billions of tax payers money into dying companies ..... for economic reasons, to keep people in jobs. European governments are even offering the public thousands of pounds if they dump their old car for a new one ...... to help support the economy.

    What has that do do with transport policy and why roads aren't designed better for cyclists? Nothing at all of course. Any large localised employer is liable to receive a bailout these days, it just so happens car manufacturing is one of the few examples this country has outside London's financial sector.
    AndyManc wrote:
    the more that take action , the quicker the results.
    Again, this is the whole point. Loads of people take "action" every day by driving their cars for everything, and the people in power listen to that action and act accordingly.
    Thats the action cyclists need to take, it's the only action that works.
    I ask again, what percentage of the CMers will be see on the streets on their bikes this week, not RLJ, not pavement-crawling, but actively part of traffic.
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    I have to say I agree with Eau Rouge - its being seen on the road, behaving as traffic and cycling positively that will get cycling recognised not gimmicks - AndyManc says the more that take action the quicker the results - what exactly has CM achieved ?

    Personally I think CM just gets cyclists seen as trouble making minority
  • Roastie
    Roastie Posts: 1,968
    What I find interesting is that almost all non-cyclists that I have talked to have never heard of critical mess. Unless they were unfortunate enough to come across one in which case they came away hating cyclists. ...

    Funny, nearly all non-cyclists I have spoken to wo have come across CM thought it looked like a blast, and wanted not only to take part, but get on their a bike.

    Takes all sorts I guess.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    I have to say I agree with Eau Rouge - its being seen on the road, behaving as traffic and cycling positively that will get cycling recognised not gimmicks - AndyManc says the more that take action the quicker the results - what exactly has CM achieved ?

    Personally I think CM just gets cyclists seen as trouble making minority

    Why should drivers be antagonised by cyclists fulfilling their legal right to be on the road.

    Why does exercising your legal right have to involve going out of your way to wind up others who also have a legal right to be there? I really don't understand what positive things you think are being achieved by this.
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    i wouldn't be suprised if things like the brompton races etc do far more pr for biking, silly fun, and the people look like "us" rather than "them" CM will always be a "them"
  • MrChuck wrote:
    I have to say I agree with Eau Rouge - its being seen on the road, behaving as traffic and cycling positively that will get cycling recognised not gimmicks - AndyManc says the more that take action the quicker the results - what exactly has CM achieved ?

    Personally I think CM just gets cyclists seen as trouble making minority

    Why should drivers be antagonised by cyclists fulfilling their legal right to be on the road.

    Why does exercising your legal right have to involve going out of your way to wind up others who also have a legal right to be there? I really don't understand what positive things you think are being achieved by this.


    Critical mass is totally counter-productive. As someone said respect has to be earned not demanded. Also agree with Roger Merriman that other more fun activities will put out far better PR than critical mass ever will. CM just reinforces peoples' negative stereotypes of cyclists.

    We need to be inclusive, not sticking two fingers up at everyone else saying we have the right to RLJ because cycling is not as bad for the environment as other means of transport. Or other such specious arguments.
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    i wouldn't be suprised if things like the brompton races etc do far more pr for biking, silly fun, and the people look like "us" rather than "them" CM will always be a "them"
    Dang, and there I am with a Dahon. :)
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....