Weather where you are today

dg74 Posts: 656
edited March 2009 in Road beginners
Wind, sleet and more wind.

Crap riding weather.


  • couldn't agree more. I'm trying to get some miles in for a sportive in a week...but don't want to go out and get wet and cold
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    dg74 wrote:
    Wind, sleet and more wind.
    I can confirm it's no better on other side of the Tyne. :(
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    quite bracing down in east anglia with intermittent horizontal rain to make it more interesting. I'll still be going out on my Thursday night loop though
  • blu3cat
    blu3cat Posts: 1,016
    in London, started of with enough drizzle to make the roads slippery, and then moved through to full on rain with a nice strong gusty (always head)wind as well.

    Now just thoroughly miserable cycling weather.
    "Bed is for sleepy people.
    Let's get a kebab and go to a disco."

    FCN = 3 - 5
    Colnago World Cup 2
  • ColinJ
    ColinJ Posts: 2,218
    edited March 2009
    It has been wet and windy here all morning, but the sun is peeking through the clouds now. I don't know about riding, but I might go for a hilly walk if it stays like this.

    Hmm, now it is wet, windy and sunny!
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    I saw the forecast and got up at half 6 to ride the turbo before work... no outdoor cycling for me today :?
  • pete600
    pete600 Posts: 142
    Phuket Thailand Cloudy first thing this morning 25oc got for a quick 10 miles by 1 pm back to bright sunshine and 35oc Now just had a thunder storm and it pee it down
  • Fifer
    Fifer Posts: 60
    Sunny with showers but bloody windy. Still managed 30 miles though :)
    Winter Bike: Specialized Allez Elite
    Summer Bike: Specialized Tarmac Pro SL
  • Speck
    Speck Posts: 53
    Raining all morning, very windy but beginnint to brighten up. 12 deg C here 10 miles south of Bath
    He said, "You should be riding a Fixie" I replied, "But, Dad, I'm 62 years old".
  • Mastineo
    Mastineo Posts: 182
    'kin 'orrible! 'nuff said.
  • Wet and windy here in North Wales.( that's just in the house!).
    We've had rain,sleet and sunshine in equal measures topped off by a stiff ( ooer missus) wind along the coast. I'll have to stay in and watch Dickhead's Real Deal. :roll:
    Here's a box,a musical box. Wound up and ready to play.
    (brian Cant,Camberwick Green).
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Here on the other side of the pond things aren't much better. Cold, supposed to rain,
    snow predicted for the weekend. In a word, "sucks".

    Dennis Noward
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Here in the Netherlands we have had rain all day and gale force 6 winds. It,s even worse for me because not only do i cycle to and from work in this weather i also work outside all day. :( Ademort
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    25-30 mph winds - great for Tailwinds, awful for headwinds.
  • jellikins
    jellikins Posts: 153
    just done 30 in Lincs Wolds. Not a cloud in the sky. superb.
  • stevewj
    stevewj Posts: 227
    for the second day this week I've cut a session short. Just rode to work and back and missed the 5 x 4mins interval session I'd planned - just too dangerous on the tribars in the wind - VERY strong and gusting. To think I only missed two days thru' all the ice and snow.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    ademort wrote:
    Here in the Netherlands we have had rain all day and gale force 6 winds. It,s even worse for me because not only do i cycle to and from work in this weather i also work outside all day. :( Ademort

    And on that note I take back what I said about "sucks over here". We're living in a paradise.

    Dennis Noward