dhb bib shorts, any good for long rides?

Has anyone used dhb bib shorts for rides of 100 miles plus.
The Finchdean get good reviews and cost about £60, are the Knowle bibs worth the extra £20 or are there better alternatives at the £80 mark?
Any comments on either pair would be appreciated.


  • Petromyzon
    Petromyzon Posts: 221
    Hmmm. Bibs are personal and unfortunately the only way is to try them, by which time you are committed unless you wish to sell on Ebay.

    I have the Finchdeans and wasn't that impressed, but am new to this game and sized by height giving a bib which is at least a size too large on the waist. I have quite a bit of DHB kit and am more than happy with the poorer quality control tradeoff for better price, but the Finchdeans pilled up quickly in the crotch and the pad is not that comfy. Could be the size issue in both cases.

    The Knowles are new by the looks of it but Cytech make great pads (I love the Assos and Gore ones). However I would be very tempted by the Castelli Cronos at £67 on the front page of Wiggle, or to go to Ribble for Assos Uno S5 at £81. Both have good reputations and I'm sure would be good for long rides.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    if you're looking at Finchdeans then you should also consider Lusso pro-gel and Endura FS260 pro.

    I haven't tried the Finchdean, but it is possible there may be better shorts out there for the same or less money..
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I got all my Assos shorts for well less than £80 - I wouldn't look at anything other than Assos personally.
    I like bikes...
