1 week trip in Ireland

effex Posts: 555
edited March 2009 in Tour & expedition

Firstly, sorry this isn't a cycle touring question, though it may still be of use to others. I've got next week free & would like to do a bit of driving around the sights of Ireland. My plan was to fly to Shannon & hire a car. From there maybe drive north to Galway, then Dublin & clockwise round the coast back to Shannon again. I've never been to Ireland before & would really appreciate any info with regards to interesting gems of places to visit enroute & maybe details of the odd b&b, hostel or hotel worth recommending. I'll be going with my partner, & would like to do all the things I normally do whilst touring... nice walks in the countryside/beaches, visit interesting towns/villages, sample the local beer... the usual stuff (apart from cycling)!

I'd rather not have to plan everything in advance... would it be easy enough to get a place to stay on the actual day?

Many thanks.


  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    effex wrote:

    Firstly, sorry this isn't a cycle touring question, though it may still be of use to others. I've got next week free & would like to do a bit of driving around the sights of Ireland. My plan was to fly to Shannon & hire a car. From there maybe drive north to Galway, then Dublin & clockwise round the coast back to Shannon again. I've never been to Ireland before & would really appreciate any info with regards to interesting gems of places to visit enroute & maybe details of the odd b&b, hostel or hotel worth recommending. I'll be going with my partner, & would like to do all the things I normally do whilst touring... nice walks in the countryside/beaches, visit interesting towns/villages, sample the local beer... the usual stuff (apart from cycling)!

    I'd rather not have to plan everything in advance... would it be easy enough to get a place to stay on the actual day?

    Many thanks.

    Hi effex lucky you I love Ireland in particular the West, I'd recommend that you visit Galway city and get yourself some fish and chips from McDonagh in Quay Street followed by a skin full of Guinness in any of the pubs opp. then walk around the town taking in Spanish Arch and the docks followed by a little light shopping and on to Connemara http://www.connemara.net/ Cliftden for it's beach and history and the Twelve Pins (Mountains) which are absolutely stunning (see pic)

    If your stuck for somewhere to stay, how about this cheeky little castle, my fav destination in the world and they do great mid week packages, 5* all the way, best food and service in Ireland, prob :wink:

    Lucky lucky you :D
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • meenaghman
    meenaghman Posts: 345
    Stick to the West Coast if you want beaches and don't be afraid to ask around. You should get accommodation easily enough. getting meals is often more of a problem this early in the season as some of the smaller restaurants may not be open every day or every evening.. that said you'll find something somewhere and sure thats half the fun. I recommend taking coast road thru Clare (Cliffs of Moher/Burren .. and good pubs with trad music in most towns) going w from Galway through Connemara, up towards Achill Island and on into Sligo, and Donegal. The mountains tend to be towards the coast in Ireland. If you find the price of a pint too expensive (4-5 euro these days) then pop into Northern Ireland for a night or two (If you get any NI notes ask Bar/Shop to exchange for English notes and they'll usually do that if they have English notes in the till). Enniskillen and Lakelands, Derry, Giants causeway, Mourne mountains are all outstanding areas.
    If you want the city option you can head towards Dublin. There are a few hotels doing deals (Bewleys) 60 Euros (was 50 a while back) Jurys etc.. so have a look and check before you go on those as you may save a few quid with prebooking.
    Enjoy yourselves.
  • effex
    effex Posts: 555

    Thanks for the replies, they have both given me some very useful info. Meenaghman... I reckon I'll do something similar to your description, start at Shannon & head in the directions you describe. Basically a big clockwise circle. Plan to drive back to Shannon on my last day from Dublin. Flights & car booked so were definately on our way! Does anyone happen to know of a decent cheapish place to stay in the Shannon area? We'll be arriving in the evening, so would be wise to book accomodation in advance for that night.

    Will also look into pre booking a room in Dublin as I know it will be expensive otherwise. Apart from that, we'll have fun finding some quirky wee places to stay in the towns/villages we pass through. The guiness had better be good at 5 euro's a pint!
