My Homemade Recovery Drink (tomato)

The Northern Monkey
The Northern Monkey Posts: 19,136
edited March 2009 in Health, fitness & training
Following a conversation with Supersonic about tomatoes... i've just made my own recovery drink.

6 fresh tomatoes
1 small red onion
aprox. 50ml golden syrup/sugar
600ml water.
2tsp ground ginger
1/2tsp salt

You need to take all the seeds out of the tomatoes and core them, then chop the onion roughly into smaller pieces.

Add all the ingredients to a pan, bring to the boil and simmer for 25-30 mins. The tomatoes should be very "soggy".

Now get your big blender machine and give it a blast (while hot) until its nice and smooth, and store it in the fridge for a few hours.

enjoy. (and it really does taste quite good!)

The theory...
Tomatoes and the syrup/sugar are a good source of carbohydrate. In the sugar form, it will be rapidly take up by the body and in the tomato form, it will my more slowly taken up. This ensures a long time period for your body to replenish its stores.

The ratio of water > carbs ensures that not only does you body get fuel, the water loss is also replaced.

The sodium stimulates water uptake and will also keep the juice fresh for longer!

Also the tomatoes and ginger are stacked with antioxidants that will kill free radicals and can improve your health.

Can't be bad :)

