75 mile Great Nottingham Bike Ride

Stedman Posts: 377
For the sportive ride 75 miles appears to be far too short, especially as it is a flat course!

This is my local event and I am concerned that this is never going to be exciting enough to attract real sportive riders from outside the county.

Should we be pressing the organisers for the 100 miles again this year?


  • Hi Stedman

    This is bad news. I was looking forward to riding my first 100. I assumed the route would be 100 miles again like last year (although I believe last year's ride was shortened because of road works?). Do you know why they've shortened it?

    Personally, I'm glad it's fairly flat but I agree with you that it probably won't be tough enough to attract riders who live some distance away.

  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377

    If you look at last years forum thread on this ride, see: http://www.bikeradar.com/forum/viewtopi ... dbee54e225 the official reason given by the organisers for shortening this event was, “We did have to reduce the length of the route during the final stages of planning following advice from highways and police with regards traffic management around the North Notts area”, however to those near the front of this ride, it was apparent that real reason was caused by us overtaking overtaking the bus carrying the marshals and many of these were needed for the critical A612 roundabout.

    Arguably at 75 miles (on a flat course) this distance is no longer sufficient for the event to be classed as a sportive! :oops: