Drunken louts

Posts: 89
Mrs DF and I (both well in our 40's) were riding into Loughborough yesterday along a shared cyce path at around 7am when we spy a couple of guys (early 20's) ambling towards us. From the way they glanced at each other as we approached we both knew they were trouble, too late, as we passed one launches a karate kick at me, missing but causing me to swerve into Mrs. DF, who mercifully retains control and doesn't get punted into the road running alongside. I stop and face them, loads of verbal ("f*** off you old fart, keep riding tosser") and off they go, laughing as they walk into the nearby estate. Mrs DF very upset, me livid so out comes the mobile phone, 999, give plod the details and to my amazement a patrol car is with us within 5 mins. I hop in, into the estate we go and bugger me within a minute we see one (sadly not the kicker). He looks over his shoulder and bolts but the Octavia turbo is quicker and we have him. He doesn't remember anything, then he does, the police encourage me to actually speak to him which I do. Isn't it strange how people are so brave in a group aren't when its one on one, even if, as in this case, they are pissed up. I ask for his mates name, he tries to apologise then tries to shake my hand, no its against his religion to grass up a mate. Really?. Its against mine to not press charges against a punk who witholds evidence. We get the name and off goes plod with yobo 1 in the back, looking for yobo 2. This is a WIP, I don't know how they fared.
I set out for a bike ride with the Misses yesterday, nearly got kicked off my bike but at least got treated to the sight of a drunken lout going white as I stared into his eyes. Know what?. It feels good, i'm sad to say.
Be safe, everyone.
I set out for a bike ride with the Misses yesterday, nearly got kicked off my bike but at least got treated to the sight of a drunken lout going white as I stared into his eyes. Know what?. It feels good, i'm sad to say.
Be safe, everyone.
good to hear a good story about the police for a change!
Well done on walking away and taking action - a very hard thing to do when the blood is boiling0 -
Cheeky swines are obviously cowards if they think they can pick on someone like that. I bet if faced with any of my Brother's Mu Tai class out on their bikes they'd think twice after as they are conditioned to react to kicks.
(Tongue in cheek obviously - I dont advocate violence honest)
Glad you got a result and hopefully they will have more sense.0 -
Oh, sweet result!__________________
......heading for the box, but not too soon I hope!0 -
Are charges being brought against them then? Good that the police were there so quick.
Had an interesting one last weekend, Friday night, 2am, just been round a friends house finishing some coursework, cyling home through town and there is a large group of people ambling along having just been into the chip shop. The taxi in front stops to talk to potential customers so I filter down the left. With split second timing, one of the guys shouted something out and raised both his arms in the air. My face flew straight into his chips and beans!! Fortunately no harm was done, we were both a bit surprised at each other! Looking back though it must have been very funny for his mates!0 -
Police turning up inside 5mins, where do you live "soap opera land"
Sorry to hear of your experience, it's never nice to be confronted with violence of any sort. Charges being pressed is only the start it's the C.P.S. that make the final decision. Through personal experience (of the negative variety) I've every reason to be sceptical of them.
On the face of it though DF, good result.Tail end Charlie
The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.0 -
Pretty similar thing happened to me not long ago, early morning ride, some mouthbreather chucked a traffic cone at me, foolishly we stopped and in my best glaswegian i started a pleasant conversation with the chap. Unfortunatley he was rather inebriated, and was unable to land a punch on me, knowing that if i showed him the business end of a 54t dura ace ring i would be the one in trouble, we pedaled off, called polis, they showed up in under 5 mins, in the back of the car, caught the crims, happy ending for all.
6 months down the line they (CPS) were onto me about the "mental anguish" i had suffered and "how it has affected you" told them i had moved on and couldnt care less. The jakey monstermunch eater got community service and had to write me a letter of apology, made me laugh at least. Plus, i got a ride in a police car with the whole nee-naw blues and twos routine0 -
My experience of the C.P.S. had nowt to do with cycling, more to do with a knobhead, several pints of lager, a bad attitude and a pint pot.Tail end Charlie
The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.0 -
Parsnip49 wrote:
some mouthbreather...
The jakey monstermunch eater
Haha, love it. Nice results all round here. Love to hear about some knuckledragger getting his dues. I'm ashamed to say I also like the stories when they get the sht beaten out of them but only because I've spent many a night fantasising about dishing out some revenge after some obnoxious arshole has pssed me off. There really are some idiots in this country.0 -
Genuinely heart-warming to hear some justice happening out there.
I will revise my opinion accordingly as I am dangerously veering towards reactionary Daily Maildom in thinking that the sober middle class responsible bike-riding white male is becoming the oppressed and dutifully naive minority in a country that fearfully celebrates the nonsensica of the politically correct and state-sponsored ineffectivess.
thanks again for these stories, they are a breath of fresh air"There are holes in the sky,
Where the rain gets in.
But they're ever so small
That's why rain is thin. " Spike Milligan0 -
A couple of years ago as I cycled through along Ilderton Rd in SE London, as I do every day on the way home from work, I spied a bunch of kids by the side of the road. They didn't show any outward interest in me, but suddenly one of them ran into the road and hurled a stone, full pelt, at my head. It bounced off my helmet leaving a fair old dent where my temple would have been. Thank god I had a helmet on, would probably have knocked me out otherwise.
The kids ran off when I pulled over, so I cycled home and called the police, just to let them know the situation, not really expecting them to do anything. I called the general police number rather than 999 and the woman was a pretty unhelpful, computer says "no", call centre type who said there was nothing they could do as I hadn't phoned in immediately. I wasn't really expecting them to do anything, I only phoned to let them know in case it had become a regular occurence along that road and to let them know they could contact me if they needed me to describe the yobs.
Since then, a couple of weeks ago some yob/kid tried to push a large cardboard box into me as I cycled past along Old Kent Rd, but I was going too fast and the box went into the road after I had passed.
I guess 2 yob experiences in 2 years or so ain't bad...Do not write below this line. Office use only.0 -
Cycling home from work last summer, plodding up a sharp rise in Northfleet a drunken 20 ish lad, in the middle of the road, started giving me dogs abuse, fffing ccing, you c**t on a bike is one I remember the most, in front of his mates at a row of shops. I'm about 15 yards from him, he throws his half can at me, turns round to his cheering mates, I speed up, unclip my right foot and give him an almighty kick up the ar*e, punting rugby style kick. I clip back in, he started screaming and I am off like a shot. No chase happened, i calmed down and carried on home. Happy days.0
dmclite wrote:I speed up, unclip my right foot and give him an almighty kick up the ar*e, punting rugby style kick. I clip back in, he started screaming and I am off like a shot. No chase happened, i calmed down and carried on home. Happy days.
Brilliant, well done!!!0 -
Good, good, hope they get the b@$t@rd(s) responsible.
The Police saved me from some unrequired attention last summer.
It was about 6:45 on the morning of The Great Women's Run (10k) and, having passed a Police T5 in a lay-by near Morrisons on the A183, I then encountered a couple of clearly intoxicated teen passengers falling into a Saxo a few hundred yards up the road. Whether the Police car was there just to monitor the road closures or not I have no idea but, whatever it's assignment, I'm grateful it was there.
Having passed the car outside the Pullman Lodge I then turned off due to the road ahead being closed for the race. Moments later I was joined alongside by this Saxo, windows down and an exchange was had. I think things could've developed from here but for the Police screaming up with lights blazing. The Saxo shot off for what might've been about 50 yards or so and then I think reality must've sunk in. They pulled over and the policeman was already at the drivers door as I thanked him as I passed.
I later passed the two passengers on my return leg but decided not to gloat. Just a friendly "lovely morning for a walk".0 -
Well all these stories of dutiful and diligent cops are certainly heartening but certainly don't reflect Cambs. Many a time the local boys and girls in yellow have been invited to turn up or do something but have been conspicuous by their absences, inaction and indifference.Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
Think how stupid the average person is.......
half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.0