
fezhead Posts: 21
edited March 2009 in Road beginners
can anybody tell me what the heavy knocking is that is coming from the rear cassett. the knocking is so bad that u can feel it all way up the frame. it goes away when i ease off but then starts again as soon as i put some pressure on the peddles. Dont av the tools to strip the cassette and hub down. got a cheap road bike so maybe cheap components coming to the end of their life. would really appreciate any help.



  • craker
    craker Posts: 1,739
    Is your back wheel centred properly in the rear triangle? Quick release not done up tight enough may mean the wheel is a bit of kilter.

    All your spokes tight? Go round them one by one to see if any of them are loose.

    Tight link in your chain? Spin the chain slowly backwards you may be able to spot one link going over the cassette without bending fully.

    Try your LBS but they may charge you for a service.
  • tenbar
    tenbar Posts: 94
    Could also be a loose pedal. I've had this before if one pedal just ain't tight enough.