New (sort of) to MTBing and some help needed

Gramps1966 Posts: 2
edited March 2009 in MTB beginners
Hi All,

I have recently purchased an 08 Kona Caldera as I want to get back into MTB'ing. I used to do quite a bit back in the early 90's. I have a number of questions that I need some help on:

1) I tested a few bikes and really liked the Kona as it seemed like a bit of an all rounder. At this stage I am not the fittest or the most skillful but hope to improve these as I develop. Is this bike suitable for this. I was advised that it was but just seeking confirmation. I do really like the feel of it which from reading other forums is the important part.

2) to get my fitness up can you suggest what sort of length of rides I should be looking at. I did a full hour and I was feeling it afterwards.

3) Are one of the various "skill schools" worth attending to re-learn the basics.

4) Where is a good place to get bike insurance.

5) I have massive hands and the grips feel a little skinny, how can I resolve this for a better ride.

5) I live in Cheshunt anyone know any good routes in the area (Epping forest is pretty close as is lea valley) any like minded starters in the area that don't mind some coming out with them

Any advice is appreciated


  • 1. You like the feel of it - that's the best indication.

    2. Start with 30 mins maybe twice a week & a longer ride on Sat/Sun if you have the time. Then go from there. I always try and get in a good ride at the weekend (at least 2+ hrs) and then a couple of times in the week (1+ hrs) but it's really dependent on how much time you want to invest. Trail centres (if there's any near you) are good for a quick (ish ) blast which are good for me midweek, then at the weekend it's out with the OS maps.

    3. Yes, although they can work out expensive - the cheapest way to improve is fnd a local club and ride with them - there's one at epping forest I think (sorry haven't got the link). These clubs are usually friendly and will help you out - plus it's always better to ride with people slightly better than you so you have an incentive to keep up!

    4. My p7 is covered on my home insurance so check that first.

    5. You want to be able to "feel" the bars quite a lot, gloves with a rubber patch near the heel of you hand help to stop the buzz you get after a long ride, but you should be fine really.

    6. Happy Riding!