Opinions on my tyre setup please....

d14vd_h Posts: 41
edited March 2009 in MTB workshop & tech
Guys ive just bought an NS Core 1 2009 model,
it came with 2.35 Kendal Nevegal Stick-E tyres,

i found them to be very slow as i use the bike to ride to work as well on trails,
after some homework i decided to swap the back tyre out for a Kenda Tomac Small Block8 size 2.10

do you think this sounds like a sensible setup, i didnt want to swap both tyres as they are brand new so from my BMX expeience i thought this was a good setup
look forward to your thoughts.


  • ratty2k
    ratty2k Posts: 3,872
    Stick E front and rear? Better swapping the back for a DTC version- harder compound on the centre tread with soft on the outside for cornering grip. And for on road- pump 'em up a bit more. The small block 8 is for hard dry trails and will slide all over at the moment.... Unless thats what you like........
    My Pics !

    Whadda ya mean I dont believe in god?
    I talk to him everyday....
  • d14vd_h
    d14vd_h Posts: 41
    already bought the small block :lol:

    do you think the narrower tyre on the back is a reasonable set-up??

    i used to ride a thicker front tyre on my raleigh burner! and then dirt jump bmx's seemed to be spec'd that way

  • ratty2k
    ratty2k Posts: 3,872
    Try it.... I wouldn't want it on mine... But depends on what and where you ride as well, so could be ok for you?!
    My Pics !

    Whadda ya mean I dont believe in god?
    I talk to him everyday....
  • d14vd_h
    d14vd_h Posts: 41
    appreciate your replies man,
    also had a peek at ure pics lined in ure sig top stuff,

    yeah basically this NS Core replaces last years model that i had stolen recently,
    i had changed the tires completley on that to halo twin rails as i moved to London from Scotland and realised i was doing mostly street riding and commuting...

    I fell in Love with NS Core because its like a big BMX but also with the ability to competently ride trails and dirt when desired and is therefore to me the ultimate 'freeride' bike

    i have since acquired a fixed speed bike since moving to London too (as well as having my original NS stolen) so the need for an all out street machine was minimised
    so i wanted to keep the replacement NS dirt orientate for the times i would get the chance but also make it a bit faster on the street,
    i looked to the more street oreintated bikes in NS's range and charge's blender for inspiration
    thats where i found out about the small block and the thick thin setup

    as i say ive commited to the 2.1 small block tyre now though have my original one if i need to change back, i was just hoping somebody more knowledgable could say whether this setup would be scorned upon or was considered reasonable, ie does having a thinner smallblock rear negate the purpose of the 2.35 nevegal front, or as i thought it would, des the front tyre still function to retain maximum traction and clear the path for the thinner faster rolling rear, which is easier to control when it loses traction...

    appreciate ure time to read guys
    i agonise over the details of my bike as u can see, but im not always the most knowledgeable.