Another training cycle completed

dg74 Posts: 656
edited March 2009 in Road beginners
Felt good. 14 miles in 1 hour (bearing in mind, not ridden for years, really unfit). Flats, gradual hills, long shallow climbs, sea views, stupid arsehole van drivers (christ man, I was wearing RED and BLACK and it's DAYLIGHT! Come on!!!).

Right now tho, my arse is killing me but my recovery time is way quick (2 mins max) and I feel I could ride again this afternoon.

I could get the hang of this lark....


  • snakehips
    snakehips Posts: 2,272
    Well done DG , stick with it. The ar$e thing won't be a problem for long if you ride regularly.


    Snakehips Bikes
    'Follow Me' the wise man said, but he walked behind!
  • I managed 14.5 miles today (according to my ageing cat eye computer) in 1hr15 - not ridden for a while, so was quite pleased with my progress.

    I'm aiming to do a 100 mile ride by July, so will need to be out pounding the streets a lot more from here on in!
  • Had a similarly good ride yesterday, 15 miles in 1 hour (mostly flat)...and was very happy. Although i do only have 4 weeks until my first sportive.
    Must have been something in the air conducive to cycling yesterday :o)
  • Gav888
    Gav888 Posts: 946
    Thats about that pace im at, 15 miles in an hour, trying to get quicker, 20 in a hour would be lovely!! :wink:

    Im going for distance now LSD riding as ive got a sportive in May, up to 34 miles in 2hrs 20min, it soon add up as the weeks go past, first time I went out at Xmas I struggled to do 7miles in a hour, now im just about warmed up at 7 miles :lol:
    Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond