Warning - Langbar to Beamsley Road.

Steve GT
Steve GT Posts: 383
To any cyclists that may use the unnamed road between Langbar and Beamsley:
I went up there on Sunday and the farmer has deposited a whole lot of muck on the road. Take care if you are descending the little hill after the cattle grid and you go around the little left hand turn at the bottom. I would think it would be very slippery.
Crediamo in te, bici!
My Bikes.


  • What time did you get out there Steve? I was crawling up there just before 9 on Sunday morning and didn't notice anything. Mind you I was going so slowly by that point it was unlikely to have much effect on me.

    I got so caked in mud this morning going towards Eccup on a very roundabout way to work this morning, that I had to go home and get changed.
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    Around 12:15. It was bad the day before as a friend commented about it as well. He was coming down the road, but was on a Mountain Bike.
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • Is this going towards Ilkley or away (ie going up the short/steep way)?