Just saying hello to you all.

Roblogik Posts: 2
edited March 2009 in MTB beginners

I'm a virgin to the forum so excuse me if I dont use all the right abreviations etc. Live in Wakefield nr M1 J41, intermediate mountain biker who only really gets out for a couple of hours on a sunday morning and an all dayer once a month (ish) Love Dalby and the moors and get down to Cannock and Sherwood every now and then although given the choise i prefer to be out in the wilds rather than in the comfort of a trail centre! Found some good local sunday morning routes if anyone fancies a blast. Cheers. Rob


  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Hi Rob, welcome to the forum, don't worry about the abbreviations you'll soon pick them up. Most of us don't get out as much as we'd like, there are many on here who probably haven't been out since before Christmas for one reason or another.

    I know what you mean about the trail centres, they are quite good but proper mountain biking should be out in the middle of nowhere with a map :lol: .
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    welcome rob, hope this place is of service. i think you will find a 50/50 split with an equal amount of folk enjoying trail centres and t'others enjoying a bit of natural, you are very fortunate and im always jealous of folk who live near good quality natural riding.

    oh and, pics or it didnt happen, you are slipping jon..................