London Phoenix Easter Classic open for entries

keniino Posts: 23
The London Phoenix Easter Classic is now open for entries, and will take place on Easter Monday, 13th April. There's a 55km and 114km option on offer, with the longer distance passing through the villages of Good and High Easter (and featuring a feed station at the halfway point with a seasonal surprise...). Both routes are fast and flowing so we're expecting some good times, and it's all set in beautiful countryside.

The start and finish is at the newly refurbished Fairlop Waters (which is just down the road from Hog Hill), and the venue has parking for 400, a restaurant serving proper hot food and most importantly, beer!

As a special treat post ride we'll also be screening "A Sunday in Hill" on 4 screens throughout the venue, as well as showing classic French footage of various Alpine stages from the 1990s during sign-on. Should be a fun day out, great if you can join us. for more


  • kez78
    kez78 Posts: 109
    edited March 2009
    Are there still places available for this ride ?
  • kez78
    kez78 Posts: 109
    when you say 'proper hot food' do you mean curries ?
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23
    Hi Kez, we've had over 200 sign on already so I'd be quick if you want to be sure of a place.

    As for the curries, sorry can't help there, but the fully stocked bar will be also be serving hot snacks alongside the all important cool beer, and there's also a proper restaurant in the venue if you fancy more.

    And did I mention that as a special treat post ride we'll also be screening "A Sunday in Hill" on 4 screens throughout the venue, as well as showing classic French footage of various Alpine stages from the 1990s during sign-on? So all in all it should be a great day out...
  • kez78
    kez78 Posts: 109
    It sounds like a great day out, fingers crossed for the weather, if I remember rightly it snowed last Easter weekend.
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23
    Hi Kez, well remembered.

    Yes, we thought we'd make our first Easter Classic epic in quality so went for snow and ice last year. This year we've upped the budget and decided to put on lovely spring weather instead.
  • kez78
    kez78 Posts: 109
    Is the spring weather guaranteed, do we get a refund if it rains ?
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23
    We can discuss that kind of detail when I sign you on on the day, but for now I think you should get back to work before your boss notices you've been slacking all morning ;-)
  • Barkiesnake
    Barkiesnake Posts: 244
    What's the route like? Is is suitable for a first time rider?
    "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, your right" Henry Ford
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23

    If you're a complete novice you might struggle with the distances, but anyone who commutes on a regular basis should be fine on the shorter route, and if you're feeling OK at the split point you can always give the longer route a go and vice versa.
  • Barkiesnake
    Barkiesnake Posts: 244
    distances don't worry me so much, i have ben commuting regularly on a hybrid for last 3 yrs, However this week i take delivery of my first road bike and am hoping to do some sportives later in the year, need to do some hill training though which is what worries me most, is the course very "undulating"?
    "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, your right" Henry Ford
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23

    The main climbs are within the first few km - from then on the route is fast and flowing so you should be able to maintain a pretty fast pace overall. We've got less than 40 places left so if you do want to come along I'd suggest booking your spot pretty quickly. We'll be down at Herne Hill tomorrow for the Good Friday Track Meet, maybe see you there?
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    I'm booked up and raring to go. First sportive on my new bike so hoping for a nice time, especially if it's quite a flat course.
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23
    Hi Phreak, we're getting pretty excited too - especially as it looks like we'll be in for a nice day weather-wise. Make sure you say hi when you sign on.
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    i'm thinking of showing up at the start tomorrow. Can I still just register "on the line"?
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23
    Hi J09, yes - fine to sign on the line. The only thing is that we've just about sold out online which means you may need to find parking away from the event HQ if you're coming by car.
  • J09
    J09 Posts: 122
    No worries on that... I'll be riding there...
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Excellent event guys and girls!

    Organized sign on, great route - very few lights and almost no busy roads so close to London (within the tube network) I don't know how you managed it. Even the weather cooperated with some warm sun.

    Was one of the last riders off and still had food and energy drink at the rest stop - and all for a tenner!

    I've saved the route in the Garmin and will defo ride this for training again.

    See you next year.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    Yes, a great day out. Managed my fastest over-100k ride to date (mainly thanks to the lack of anything resembling a hill!). Very friendly volunteers and a great HQ with good facilities.

    Well done guys - look forward to doing this again next year :D

    a serious case of small cogs
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    Thirded. Was a nice ride. Bit of rain early on but it wasn't too cold so didn't matter. Very fast course, I was in the first group and we were cracking along at a fair old pace. Another personal best for 100km so can't grumble at all.
  • keniino
    keniino Posts: 23
    Cheers. We had a great time, glad you did too...

    And anyone who got under 3:45 on the long route and doesn't belong to a club should email me now! ;-)