JAGGY Posts: 167
edited March 2009 in Workshop
Good evening

Can someone please help?

I'm new to using a heartrate monitor. I cannot get my laptop to listen to my CS200cad.
The coloured bar goes up to the end of the blue section in the screen window but says no reply form CS200 after a short period of time????

My laptop mic is on full volume and working fine or do i need an external microphone?

Can anybody please shed some light on the matter.



  • GavH
    GavH Posts: 933
    Have you tried the Polar forum? I've not used the Sonic Link before but owning the CS600 I know how hit and miss even the IrDA can be. Personally, as much a I love Polar devices for their ease of use and accuracy, connecting one to a PC is a LOT more hassle than it needs to be.
  • I have a CS200cad and use the SONICLINK.

    I use an external mic to upload data. Even this is can be hit and miss at times.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,824
    Try turning the amplification up - I used this in the past and ended up with watch practically touching the mic and even then it only worked sometimes.
  • Ash_
    Ash_ Posts: 385
    Soniclink seems very hit and miss to me.

    I had the best results using a laptop where the built in mic was above the screen and I lay the Polar watch over the laptop case whilst doing a transfer. Even then it usually took a few goes...
  • I too have trouble using the sonic link.

    I had it mastered at one time using the laptops internal mic, though my hardrive went down on PC and I could not get the settings back I had.

    So I am back to 3-7 attempts and changing from Internal to external mics.
    The only thing I would suggest is do 1 file at a time. (Not all files).
  • I had exactly the same problem with my laptop mic and a CS200CAD.

    The only solution was an external mic on my desktop machine. I'm pretty sure an external mic on a laptop would cure the problem in the same way

    Once I started using an external mic it worked everytime
    JAGGY Posts: 167
    Thanks people

    I've tried sending the data one by one and no result.

    External mic it is.

    Close to foot through laptop.

    Thanks for the advice.
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    You don't want to be using the mic line, you should be using an active speaker ie one that uses coils and magnets to produce the sound, not piezo transducers. This is because the Polar uses the magnetic fields, not the actual sound, to communicate. Laptops usually have piezo transducers for their onboard sound devices, so use a speaker plugged into the headphone socket.
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • I have a CS200CAD and use headset to connect using the soniclink. It was a bit hit and miss until I tried changing the settings to "low volume sonic link". Before this change, the sound level indicator showed 7-8 bars, after the change it shows only 2 bars, but now I have much less trouble with the uplink. Other thing I've tried is to send the files individually rather than "all Files". Hope this helps.
    2 Wheels or not 2 wheels..That is not in question.