Fred Whitton Challenge - do people use mountain bikes

moorjohn Posts: 89

My road-bikey mate is threatening to pull out of the FWC. As I don't want to sit in the pub celebrating on my own at the end, I need to co-opt another mate. One looks skinny enough to get up the hills, but he's only got a mountain bike.

I was going to do it on my tourer s-l-o-w-l-y anyway, so I don't mind if he takes a long while to get round. But will we stick out like numpties?

all advice gratefully received



  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    I've heard of it happening, but he'd want to put slicks on as a minimum. Still probably not advisable, and he's going to have a tough day, but it's doable if he's committed enough!
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    There were a few MtBs last year. Not sure how they got on.
    It's a really tough ride. Took me just over 10 hours on a super slick racer (but, I'm not very good)
  • mozwyn69
    mozwyn69 Posts: 170
    I've done the Fred 3 times and one of the most vivid memories was being passed one year by a super fast group ( I asume the 9am starters) with a fellow on a mountain bike with them. He was spinning like no tomorrow and flying..
    Sometimes you have to lose yourself
    before you can find anything.
  • Yep I've seen several MTB's and indeed in 2005 several city bike/hybrid things like t he Giant CRS.

    I wouldn't recommend it however, too much like hard work.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    If they can cruise on the flat at a speed that's OK with you then I reckon it might not be too bad - the gearing will help them on the really steep hills - if he's not used to long distances on the road though then he may be in for a hard time. If it was me I'd try and talk him into it - gives you someone to travel down with - but try not to promise to stay with him - it's likely you can get in a small group anyway so you wont be riding on your own. Then again that's how I prefer to ride anyway - not to wait too much for mates and not expect them to wait for me.

    You wont stick out like numpties though and I reckon all the riders will respect anyone that completes the route whatever time they take - in fact possibly a bit more respect for people who take it on on a MTB or who don't look like they regularly bang out 100 miles on a Sunday morning.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • moorjohn
    moorjohn Posts: 89
    Thanks folks, esp TB for the wise advice.

    My thoughts were to take him on a few 100+ mile days out in the weeks leading up, if he fancies it. That would probably be enough for him. When he told me a few weeks back that he'd run a mile in 4'40" as a teenager, I realised he would probably get up the hills ok (i.e. faster than me !). So just need to get his postural muscles used to being on a bike for 10 hours
