Panniers for Seat Post Rack?

stevedb55 Posts: 52
edited March 2009 in Commuting chat
Hi All,

Can anyone recommend a suitable set of panniers for a Topeak seat post rack? I'm considering buying a Pinnacle Expede 1.0 cross bike but as it has carbon rear stays I cant mount a standard rack, and this is an issue as I will mainly use the bike for commuting, including carrying a laptop to and from work (10 mile round trip) I don't really want to go down the rucksack route during the summer as I prefer to carry the weight on the bike if possible. Really like the bike as it seems to be just what I'm looking for but this is a bit of a stumbling block at the moment......

Any other general views on seat post mounted racks gratefuly received!!



  • phil_ss1
    phil_ss1 Posts: 194

    I use a Topeak quick rack, they are brilliant.

    They do several styles of the bag to fit them, one of them ( see link below) has built in panniers, it may be what you are after: ... 360012456/

    It takes only a 2 seocnds to slide on and off the bag. If you want to remove the rack that's quick release too.

    They do a couple of designs of the rack so you may be adivsed to pop into an LBS to get the best fit for your bike.

    Don't forget to get the LBS to match internet prices in todays market, they won't want to see the money leave the shop.

  • The look might not be for everybody but have you had a look at the Carradice SQR range? They do some fairly spacious bags which fit to a seatpost clamp.
    Never be tempted to race against a Barclays Cycle Hire bike. If you do, there are only two outcomes. Of these, by far the better is that you now have the scalp of a Boris Bike.