can my CF derailer hanger be fixed?

nzjace Posts: 3
edited March 2009 in Workshop
Hi I have a trek team discovery CF road bike, and i have bent the derailer hanger inwards around 60-75 degrees, i am running dura ace componets.
Can the hanger be straitened, if so how and what issues might i have?


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Isnt it a replaceable hanger ? ANd how did you manage that ??
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    You may be able to straighten a minor bend but not that one. The frame needs to go to Trek for a new dropout fitting. Check with your nearest Trek dealer. If it was in an accident you may be able to claim from the other party if they were to blame.
  • gundersen
    gundersen Posts: 586
    if its bent then its not carbon - they would break
    so it must be aluminium
    being an american bike its not sure its replaceable - but you could be lucky

    being a trek bike, all it would have to do is fall over while standing against a wall (you get what you pay for - as the saying goes)
  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    I replaced an alu derailer hanegr before.
    Why would a CF derailer hanger need to be replaced by a dealer?
    Are they more difficult to replace?
  • nzjace
    nzjace Posts: 3
    sorry its bent more like 130 degrees
  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    edited March 2009
    I would guess that it is a Trek Madone OCLV frame. These have an alloy drop out with integral gear hanger. It is bonded into the chain and seat stays and is only really replacable by Trek. The frame has a lifetime warranty for the first owner so that is the best option to retain the warranty. Accident damage is not covered.

    Gundersen. I asume you have wrecked a few Treks then. Mine has had a lot of stick since 2000 and has done nearly 30,000 miles. Yes, I am getting what I paid for and do not regret it one bit.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Are you sure ? I cant see how a hanger could bend 130 degrees and not break or butt up against anything ?
  • gundersen
    gundersen Posts: 586
    sold lots of them , actually, when working at lbs
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Bending mech hangers isn't too difficult - from the bike falling over, a crash or quite common, the rear mech getting hooked in the rear wheel spokes , completely trashing the rear mech, the rear wheel and sometimes the frame too. Unless it was a case of the latter caused by thefailure of one of the components and not a crash, 9/10 you won't have a valid warranty claim. That's why tinkering with the rear mech stop screws isn't such a good idea unless you know what you're doing!
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • morxy
    morxy Posts: 114
    Park Tool sell a Derailleur Hanger Alignment Gauge for straightening bent hangers. Doubt it will fix a hanger that's twisted through 130 degrees though!