Surrey Rumble

I'm surprised there isn't a topic on this already.. is anyone else doing this on Sunday?
It looks like a pretty fast ride after the few miles hopefully there will be some good sized groups formed so I can get a decent time (unlike the Hell of the Ashdown!)


  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    I'll be there. Looks a flat course, so hopefully not too tough as a season opener (missed the Hell as didn't like the look of weather after falling on the ice the week before)
  • funkin
    funkin Posts: 29
    I'm there too. Looking forward to it.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    I am doing this, apart from the first hill 6 miles in, it doesn't look to bad a course, and should be able to do it pretty fast. Weather will be a damn sight better than it was on the HOTA.
  • firsthippy
    firsthippy Posts: 639
    How did everyone go? I really enjoyed today's ride.
    Big thanks to Tom for the lift and Mike for the Melbourne chit chat.
  • NUFCrichard
    NUFCrichard Posts: 103
    I enjoyed it too, there were a couple of short steep bits in the middle I wasn't expecting but otherwise it was as flat as I'd thought. I did about 4h 40mins which is faster than I did the shorter but hillier Hell of the Ashdown.

    Does anyone have the actual distane covered and total climb? My Garmin crashed so I don't know.
  • el_presidente
    el_presidente Posts: 1,963
    Nice ride and I did 4h44 which I was pleased with - felt rough between the two checkpoints but perked up after a cake and flew over the final section. My computer said 76 miles almost exactly but I don't have an ascent readout.
  • Simon Notley
    Simon Notley Posts: 1,263
    Was a pretty good ride, I did 4:08 after making an early breakaway from my starting group with another rider. We were in the first group so it was just the two of us for the whole distance.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Simon, it was myself you rode around with, only realised it was you when I saw the results.

    It was a great ride, and thanks again for sharing the front, was nice to get out of the wind every so often. My computer showed 77.8 miles.

  • Myk-ee
    Myk-ee Posts: 276
    firsthippy wrote:
    How did everyone go? I really enjoyed today's ride.
    Big thanks to Tom for the lift and Mike for the Melbourne chit chat.

    Was a good laugh, and thanks for that creaking freewheel which acted as a great pace setter, even if you couldn't sneak up.. :P
    It's the vibe of the thing.
  • Simon Notley
    Simon Notley Posts: 1,263
    SBezza wrote:
    Simon, it was myself you rode around with, only realised it was you when I saw the results.

    It was a great ride, and thanks again for sharing the front, was nice to get out of the wind every so often. My computer showed 77.8 miles.


    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for dragging me round the last half of the route and waiting for me when I began to drift off your wheel a few times.

  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    No worries Simon, you helped with the fast time, so thought it was only fair. I really enjoyed the ride, and was a good tester for me.