Indexing Problems

Allez Mark
Allez Mark Posts: 364
edited February 2009 in Workshop
Hi Everyone,

Another newbie here. I received my new Allez 18 2009 a couple of weeks ago. On my first proper ride out on Saturday I found I couldn't hit the largest two sprockets when in the smaller chainring. After reading about rear derailleur adjustment on Park Tools I have attempted to fix this problem. I can now get 2nd gear but still can't get the chain onto the biggest sprocket. The bike has the standard spec. Sora shifters and Tiagra rear derailleur. When shifting up the gears there seems to be an extra click after the last gear. When coming down the gears, once into second, there doesn't seem to be another shift to get it into 1st.

I bought the bike online and the store is about 150 miles away from where I live. So taking it back there is a bit difficult.

Can anyone help?




    Panic over. I think I've got it. I started from scratch. Re-set the H and L screws. Then checked the cable tension. Foung it was too slack. So have adjusted accordingly. Probably need to do a little bit of tweaking tommorow night as its my bed time now.
